The Beginning of the End P2

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Merlyn grabbed some random books from Gaius' shelves, hoping to make some headway on the druid boy's infection. Although she'd certainly taken an interest in the physician's work, having read a few books on herbal remedies and poisons, it didn't take a genius to know that time was of the essence, that the boy would need to leave Camelot sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, due to her magic, she'd neglected to learn simpler healing methods, things that would be  rather useful considering the fact that Morgana had refused to let the child out of her sight, or, at the very least, left Gwen with him whenever she was forced to leave her chambers. Unless she wanted to risk execution, she couldn't really use her usual sorcery. Realising her lack of expertise, she didn't want to fail to cure the boy's wound, especially when they had the court physician at hand.

"The search for the druid boy is becoming a real nuisance." Gaius wandered in to the room, fortunately unsurprised to see Merlyn's head buried in a book. "With all the extra security, it's taking me twice as long to do my rounds." He began to stuff his potions in his satchel, still grumbling under his breath.

"Morgana's hiding the druid boy in her chambers." Merlyn looked up from the book, meeting the eyes of her mentor stubbornly. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought that she saw a flicker of pride deep within them, but before she could be certain, the physician seemed to squash it down, replacing the feeling with a mixture of anger and concern.

"When you say Morgana's hiding the druid boy, I take it that you mean that you're helping her." he sighed, rubbing his forehead in a gesture of irritation.

The witch pulled a face, trying her best not to feel too bad about having deceived Gaius. "Sort of."

"Merlyn, you promised me that you wouldn't get involved."

"I know, I'm sorry, I had no choice." she lied, averting her gaze. Of course she had a choice, but she doubted that in a million lifetimes, she'd choose to let an innocent child die. At least, she hoped that she wouldn't.

"Every guard in Camelot is searching for this boy, and you're harbouring him under their very noses. Can't you see how dangerous that is? What were you thinking?" anger seemed to have got the better of the old man, but Merlyn knew that, in this case, she was right.

"What was I supposed to do? Hand him over to the guards to be executed?" she exclaimed, horrified that Gaius would ever consider such a thing. Perhaps her life was important for Arthur's survival, for the sake of Albion, but what was the point in being some all-powerful witch if she wasn't allowed to save a child? An innocent. She was risking her life every single day simply being in Camelot; she might as well save a few others while she was at it.

"You think you can save this boy? What happens if you get caught? Who's going to save you?" Gaius narrowed his eyes, evidently worried for her safety. It was touching, really.

"Are you saying it's wrong to harbour a young magician?" Merlyn asked, tears blurring her vision. She turned away, unable to believe that the man who had treated her so well despite her magic would turn his back on someone so very similar.

"The difference is that your magic is still secret, though it's a wonder how, considering how careless you are." Gaius said calmly, his anger receding beneath a facade of shame.

"The boys hurt. He's really sick." she faced him, staring at him pleadingly. "We need your help."

"So now you want me to stick my neck out too? I wish the boy no harm, but it's too dangerous."

She flinched, but met his eyes, praying that Gaius was the man she thought him to be.

"If you don't, we might as well hand him over to the guards because he'll die anyway. You didn't turn your back on me, please don't turn your back on him."

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