Chapter 11

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The next morning I was awakened by my maids and I was restless the second my eyes parted. I wanted to pull on men's pants and sprint around the castle until my heart and lungs couldn't take it. Then, when I was exhausted enough I would fall back asleep and this whole day would pass me by without consequence. However, that could not happen and my maids instructed me to get out of bed then helped me get dressed. They all ignored my behavior, hardly paying any attention to my twitching fingers and nervous habits. I wasn't sure if they didn't know what had occurred last night or if they simply didn't care but it was certainly not discussed.

"I would like to go to the barns again today." I announced as soon as I felt the final line of my corset tighten.

"The king has requested that you accompany him for breakfast this morning." The tall dark haired maid murmured, sounding completely unconcerned.

"What is your name?" I demanded, meeting her eyes strongly. I may have been a slave, but I was ready for a fight now, not with her but with the king. I was exhausted by his complete control over my days and my emotions. He kept me anxiously waiting all day yesterday and was now planning my schedule today. Or maybe I was just embarrassed about my stunt and couldn't admit it to myself. Regardless, it was becoming too much for me to bear.

"Lydia." The maid replied, raising her chin. She must've sensed my hostility.

"Well Lydia would you be so kind as to tell the king that I do not wish to have breakfast with him, I wish to go to the stables." I demanded.

All of the maids instantly paused whatever task they were doing and gawked at me, their mouths falling open in horror and shock. Lydia even took a step back and looked like she was going to place her hand over her heart. But she held herself together tightly, curtsied, then turned to walk out of my bedchamber. When the door clicked shut behind her and her footsteps faded away the other two maids stayed in the exact same position, not sure if they should move to redress me for my riding excursion or if they should leave me be as I began digging through armoire.

After a few seconds it seemed that they choose to leave me to my own devices which were not very fruitful. I was going head first into the beautiful wooden structure, desperately trying to find something more reasonable to wear, or at least something that didn't have a ten pound skirt attached to it. But the further I moved the more frustrated I became because I found nothing that even resembled pants. I was merely astounded by how many different fabrics and styles dresses came in. But I didn't have any time to comment about the lack of pants before Lydia burst back into the bedroom.

Me and the two other maids turned to look at her the instant we heard the door open. And when I saw her I stilled. Her fair complexion was even more pale than usual. She had always been the steady, firm one out of the three but now her hands were shaking at her sides and I was nearly certain that she was close to tears. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly like she had sprinted back to us.

"Lydia?" I prompted softly. I tried to be as careful as possible, but I still worried that my gentle voice would be too much and she would teeter over the edge into an emotional mess. I had never seen her like this.

"King Archer said that if you do not obey his orders he will punish all of your maids." She revealed.

Her words were churned over in my mind while I watched the other two maids react in terror. The small, timid, blonde maid began to cry. Her sobs were soft, restrained but she could not control it beyond that. Her shoulders shook and her hands were clasped tightly over her mouth. The other maid merely resembled a ghost. For a split second I worried she may faint because she didn't even inhale for a long time.

"Very well." I breathed, grabbing the skirt of my dress and lifting it. I strode to the door and flung it open, my eyes landing on James, "Can you take me to the king?" I asked.

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