Chapter Two

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"And here's your set of keys Miss Kingston, your apartment number is 1A building B, Do you have any questions for me before you get yourself settled in?" Emma asks, while handing me the keys to my apartment.

Moving into my new apartment was the first step towards the new improved life that I dreamed about having here at Oxford university.

I nervously take the keys and thank her for her time. "No, I think I have all my questions answered."

"But do you know if my new roommate has moved it yet?" I ask out of curiosity, I really hope she's nice. And that she will keep the apartment clean and tidy.

"I believe he moved in yesterday." And with that I go into full panic mode, thinking what my Dad has literally said about 'The university boys' I take in a huge deep breath and try to calm my nerves before I give myself an unwanted migraine.

I brace myself for whatever, or whomever I may find behind this door. As soon as I open the door of the new apartment, I'm warmly welcomed to an elegantly furnished apartment.

I catch a glimpse of my new window, that will be a perfect place to read when the sun sets in the evening. I continue looking through my new room until, my vision reaches the door way and I see a tall boy standing dressed in  gym clothes, his hair has lost its volume and his forehead is covered in sweat.

I'm starting to think I got the wrong keys and for starters I don't think I signed up to sharing dorm rooms with a boy that I have no clue who he is.

He could be a murder for all I know.

My eyes scan up the tall dark-haired boy, since when did he appear? And why is he in my apartment? He can see that I'm clearly startled by his presence,but he doesn't make it any easier, instead his eyes roam up and down my body, an satisfied smile is present on his face.

"Umm. Hi?" I stutter out, clearly taken by surprise. "Hey" he easily responds back the calm and gruffness of his voice makes me less anxious and comfortable.

"Can I ask you, why are you in my apartment?" I ask politely as I can.

He looks at me, trying to study my thoughts and then throws his head back in laughter.

I just sit there waiting for him to stop laughing and give me an explanation of why he's in here. He finally, returns my gaze and takes a step in my direction leaving a foot of room between us. I let out a heavy breath that I didn't know I was holding.

I continue to keep eye contact showing him that his charms doesn't affect me. He drops his head down to make us eye level with one another.

I can hear the amusement on his voice when he replies "Well Princess, I think I could ask you the exact same question, as this is my apartment too." I could tell he enjoyed seeing my face drop with shock.

And with that I run to get my phone I dial Emma's desk number as quick as I can.

"Hi Emma, sorry to disturb you but there's a boy in my apartment. And I don't think I signed up for that."

"Miss Kingston, I'm dearly sorry about the mix up with the rooming arrangements, but there aren't any more free spaces. If there was any spaces, you would be the first person to know and also i promise you,  that Mr Reed has a clean track record and is good for each months rent."

Sighing and already given in, i plop down onto the opposite side of the sofa. Closing my eyes and just thinking how on earth am I going to cope with living with him for the next four years.

I planned on keeping a distraction-free zone for my first year of uni, and living with a cocky boy wearing expensive leather jackets weren't part of my plan here at Oxford.

"You know, I think you're making this a way bigger deal than it needs to be." I open one eye and I immediately jump when I realise that the boy had moved from his side of the couch to the pillow right next to mine. He gives me a grin and sticks out a hand. "I'm Aiden Reed by the way."

I reluctantly place my hand into his and give it a quick shake being polite. "And you are?" He raises an eyebrow at me his emerald green eyes burning a hole through my chest. "Maddison." I reply plainly.

"You know, I think i will just give Emma another call so see if there are any spare rooms." I quickly scramble to my feet my phone in hand.

"I don't understand what the big deal is here Maddison." He cuts me off.

"So what? The management team messed up but it's not like we can do anything about it. What are you afraid off?"

Giving him a puzzled look, I stand up, placing a hand on my hip.

"For the record Aiden, I'm not afraid of anything. Only being stuck in this apartment with you." I say proud of myself that I managed to come up with it.

"You know, considering this whole mix up is all your fault, you're getting very brave over there Maddy."  He smirks.

He stands up and looks down at me, narrowing his eyes in on mine.

"And how is this my fault?" I huff clearly getting annoyed.

"I said what I needed to say sweetheart" he replies.  Sending him a glare I decide to walk into my room and plan on staying there for the next four years of my life.

"I said what I need to say sweetheart." God! he was already annoying and full of himself.

Walking past him without another word, I make my way down towards my room.Closing the door behind me.  I go and set next to the window and just stare at the blue aquatic sky. Until  a loud knock makes me snap out of my day dreaming, followed by Aiden yelling through my door.

"I'm not to sure what I did to you to hate me so quickly, but I suggest you change your attitude considering we're going to be living together for the next 4 years." He shouts from the door.

"No, we are not!" I call out.

"Yeah, we are, so suck it up pretty girl." he turns to leave the room and I resume to what I was doing a couple minutes ago.

Until again he's standing at my door with a different change of clothes on.

"I'm going out roomie" he sends a wink in my direction almost closing my door.

"Where are you going a night before classes start?" I'm really eager to know.

"If you must know, I'm going to a party." He rolls his eyes leaning against the door frame.

"Already! Classes haven't even started and your going out to get wasted."

"Well, that's what parties are for!Anyway got to go" and uses his two fingers to salute me.

" Oh, and I want you to know I'm looking forward to living with you Maddy, You seem like a real delight."  Sarcasm present in his voice and he winks at me before turning to leave the apartment.

Deciding to settle in for the night I untie my vans and drop them onto the floor.

I can't believe that I have landed myself into this huge disaster, not only was my roommate a boy, but he was obnoxious and pretentious as hell and thought that everything was fun and games.

Once, I've taken all my makeup off I open my suitcase and find my comfy pyjamas I always wear. I set an alarm on my phone for 8am, and then I check my messages one last time until a notification pops up and I tap on it to see who it is from.

It's from Mum.

"I hope you have a good first day, try to sleep early tonight." Much love Mum.

"Night mum, and thank you for everything."

After I hit send I lay back down on my bed and slowly start to drift to sleep. Thinking about how I'm going to live with Aiden till I graduate.

It's seriously going to be hard work.

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