MBTI Compatibility pt 2

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The most compatible partners tend to be INFJs and INTJs. An introverted partner will serve as the yin to the extravert’s yang. Where the “inspirer” tends to ignore his or her own needs and falls prey to impulsive decisions, the feeling or thoughtful intuitive can predict and meet their partner’s needs and bring a slightly more logical vibe to the relationship. Although introverts typically take time to come out of their shells, the perky, warm, and honest ENFP is the perfect type of individual to lull the introvert into a trusting relationship.

Two Myers-Briggs personalities that seem to get along best with the ISFJ type are ESFP and ESTP. Extraverted personalities tend to be better at initiating a relationship and can fill in the gaps where an introverted ISFJ may struggle to initiate conversations. Extraverted sensing, as displayed by ESFP and ESTP characters, will also appreciate and practice the use of solid facts when gathering information, forming opinions, and making decisions. The judging trait in the ISFJ persona means that the individual likes order, rules, and planning. Perceiving traits come in handy in an ISFJ relationship because they bring flexibility to the table and are able to allow the ISFJ individual to take care of the tasks that make them more comfortable, such as managing plans and nurturing their partner/family.

ESTJ and ESFJ tend to be the most suitable matches for the ISFP personality. Extraverted individuals are excellent at drawing out the hidden personality of an introvert and with the ISFP, this can be a particularly tricky task to accomplish. “Artists” aren’t very forthcoming with their own emotions, but they thrive on knowing that their companion enjoys and appreciates everything that they have to offer. ESTJ and ESFJ personalities are capable of picking up on this need and using both actions and words to express their feelings. These personalities can appreciate the ISFP’s keen appreciation for beauty, which plays a big part in an “artist’s” happiness. The “judging” traits in these characters also provides a sense of structure not necessarily for the “artist,” but for the relationship. This individual would be able to take over the necessary tasks that ISFP does not want to handle.

Two personalities that can complement the ISTJ persona are the ESTP and ESFP. These extravert personalities will have more skill at gently getting under the many folds within the “duty fulfiller’s” personality. Their personable character makes them easy to talk to which is a bonus where introverts are concerned. Other sensing personalities do very well with the ISTJ because they can better appreciate this individual’s impulse to go off of reality and facts rather than feelings and intuition, which can seem completely impractical to this character. Ideally, an ESFP partner should have a well-developed feeling trait and the maturity to understand that while they want to be emotionally supported by their partner, the introverted sensing character is not easily going to be able to fulfill this need.

The most compatible personality types for ISTP are typically ESFJ and ESTJ. Extraverts have a wonderful ability to keep things interesting thanks to their gift of gab and people skills. Both ESFJ and ESTJ are traditional-minded personalities who love to feel as though they belong to something meaningful. Both characters find it easy to participate in new endeavors and are often referred to as “do-ers” – individuals who like to commit to a task and see it through to the end. As with ISTP, ESFJ and ESTJ will do whatever they can to make a relationship work until it is obvious that the connection is not workable.
Where ISTP might falter in the realm of long-term planning and responsibilities, ESFJ and ESTJ can assume the tasks that a “mechanic” partner would overlook or simply be disinterest in. This is actually very symbiotic in a romantic relationship because ESFJs and ESTJs enjoy planning and an ISTP companion would be all too happy to relinquish such duties to their significant other. The similar sense of enthusiasm makes these characters great prospective partners for an ISTP.

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