06 | S E R E N D I P I T Y

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"Adulthood is realizing that sometimes you have to let go of the picture of what you thought life would be like and learn to find joy in the story you're actually living."
Rachel Marie Martin

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"You know very well I didn't kiss you. A peck doesn't qualify as a kiss," Kyla insisted, her words laced with a playful defiance.

"Yet it happened," Bryson countered, a slow smile unfurling across his lips. It was a smile reserved solely for her, a glimmer of warmth amidst the shadows of their shared history.

In that moment, Kyla's eyes sparkled with fond remembrance, her heart stirring with the echoes of a memory long cherished. She could see it now, clear as day, the defining moment that had forever bound them together in a tapestry of shared experience and unspoken longing.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the suburban landscape, Kyla and Bryson found themselves embroiled in the timeless game of hide-and-seek. The backyard, illuminated by the soft hues of twilight, served as their playground, a canvas upon which their childhood adventures unfolded.

Bryson, with his tousled hair and mischievous grin, darted behind the bushes, his laughter echoing through the evening air. Across the lawn, Kyla, with her braids bouncing and determination gleaming in her eyes, set off in hot pursuit, her giggles mingling with the rustle of leaves.

With each passing moment, the game grew more exhilarating, the thrill of discovery fueling their youthful spirits. And then, in a stroke of luck—or perhaps fate—Kyla stumbled upon Bryson's hiding spot, her momentum carrying her forward with unexpected force.

"Gotcha!" she exclaimed triumphantly, leaning in to peer behind the bush.

But in her haste, their faces collided with an audible thud, sending them reeling backward in surprise. For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as they stared at each other, wide-eyed and breathless.

"Ouch!" Bryson exclaimed, rubbing his nose with a playful grin. "I think that's cheating, Ky."

"Sorry!" Kyla exclaimed, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I didn't mean to—"

And then, in a twist of fate that neither could have anticipated, their lips met in a brief, accidental kiss—a moment of pure, unadulterated chaos amidst the tranquility of the evening.

They pulled away, eyes wide with astonishment, a chorus of laughter bubbling up between them like a shared secret.

"Well," Bryson said, breaking the tension with a lopsided grin, "I guess that's one way to win the game."

Kyla couldn't help but laugh, the sound echoing through the garden like the tinkling of wind chimes in the breeze.

And in that fleeting moment of unexpected connection, amidst the fading light of twilight, they shared a memory that would linger in their hearts long after the sun had set on their childhood adventures.

"-so, you really are him..." she said, knowing fully how silly she sounded even to herself. Of course she knew the answer to the question she posed. She knew it when her eyes crashed into hers for the first time since 10 years ago. She knew it when her heart began to sing. She knew it when her stomach began to rumble, roll and flutter like a butterfly busting out of its cocoon for the very first time.

She may have been his first accidental kiss, but what wasn't accidental was the profound impact he had on her heart. For Kyla, he was more than just a fleeting moment of serendipity—he was her first love, a beacon of light amidst the shadows of her past.

First loves are like open wounds. Sometimes you forget they're there, as people and distractions veer your attention away from the pain they once held. But it only takes one person, who knows exactly where that wound lies, to press upon it and have it bleed once more. It never quite heals as you would want it to.

He chuckled slowly, his gaze piercing hers with a familiar intensity that stirred memories of their youth. Despite the passage of time, he still possessed that mischievous charm that had captivated her heart all those years ago.

"I didn't expect to see you again," he admitted, his words carrying a weight of both surprise and sincerity. "But I'm glad I did. There's much to discuss, but the time isn't right just yet."

Kyla opened her mouth to respond, her curiosity piqued by his cryptic words, but her words faltered as an unexpected presence made itself known, casting a shadow over their conversation.

"What are you two talking about?" Spencer's voice cut through the air, pulling Kyla's attention away from Bryson. She watched as Spencer bolted to Bryson's side, her perfectly manicured fingernails lacing around his arm possessively.

"You took so long getting me my drink, baby," Spencer said, her tone playful yet tinged with a hint of impatience.

"Oh, it's right here," Bryson replied, offering the drink to Spencer with a smile.

As they headed back to the table, Kaden's meaningful gaze caught Kyla's, a silent acknowledgment of the interaction she had just shared with Bryson. Kyla felt a flush of warmth spread through her cheeks, suddenly self-conscious under his scrutinizing gaze.

Meanwhile, Kevin was busy gobbling up the butter chicken curry and fried rice combo with chapatis on the side, seemingly oblivious to the undercurrents swirling around the table.

Once seated, the group fell into a comfortable rhythm of conversation and laughter, the warmth of their camaraderie casting a temporary veil over the tensions simmering beneath the surface. But as the chatter continued, one of them eventually broached the question that had been lingering unspoken in the air.

"Do you two know each other?" Spencer's inquiry sliced through the chatter, casting a hush over the table. Her question, directed at Bryson, carried an air of casual curiosity, but Kyla sensed the underlying current of intuition lurking beneath the surface. Girlfriends had a knack for deciphering gut feelings and digging beneath the facade to uncover the truth.

As the table's occupants fell into a tense silence, Kyla marveled at Spencer's boldness. It was impressive how effortlessly she navigated the delicate dance of social interactions, unafraid to probe into the unknown.

Inwardly, Kyla couldn't help but admire Spencer's courage. She herself would never have mustered the nerve to ask such a pointed question in a group setting, preferring instead to keep her inquiries veiled behind layers of polite conversation.

A pregnant pause filled the air, and Kyla's gaze drifted to Bryson's face, searching for any hint of emotion. Yet, his expression remained inscrutable, a mask of unreadable neutrality that left her feeling unsettled and uncertain. In that moment, Kyla's heart skipped a beat, her mind racing with a myriad of emotions. Their last meeting in front of Bryson's friends had been brief and superficial, a polite exchange of greetings that barely scratched the surface of their shared history. And yet, as she met Bryson's gaze across the table, she couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay buried beneath the facade of their casual acquaintance.


"Yes—" Kyla started, but was caught off guard when she and Bryson answered in unison. Even more surprising was his response, which didn't align with her own.

"Well, which one is it?" Spencer interjected with a low chuckle, her fingernails lightly tapping on the table, conveying a mixture of impatience and underlying frustration. She then turned her attention to Kyla, her hazel eyes once again mesmerizing Kyla with their depth. "Kyla?"

"Oh..." Kyla faltered, suddenly unsure of herself under Spencer's penetrating gaze.

"I meant no, we more than know each other," Bryson explained smoothly, redirecting the attention away from a flustered Kyla and back to himself. "We were like family back in the day."

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