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Jungkook's POV

It had been a couple days since Jimin stayed in my room. He didn't lie, we really had been a lot closer again, the others commented on it a little on that first day but they all seemed happy, except maybe Namjoon who seemed more anxious now knowing we were close again.

However, after I'd mistakenly posted a fan post on my real account, I decided I was done taking chances, and so I didn't hesitate in deleting my fan account.

Knowing that Jimin and I are as close as we are now means I don't need to let anything out anymore. I know we won't progress any further but that doesn't mean I can't still look through fan posts on my real account. I just won't like or comment.

I did feel a little uneasy about all the people that would be questioning it, and even what Jimin would think since I know he likes my fan account. But I also know nobody has any idea who the face behind the account is and so have nobody to question as to why it's been deleted.

It's strange, every time I used to sign into that account I'd feel relief at being able to truly express myself without really expressing myself. However, after deleting it, I felt so much weight leave me, I felt confident in my true self. As though I finally didn't need a mask to hide behind because I've truly accepted the relationship Jimin and I have.

"Hiya Jungkookie-ah" his sweet voice filled my ears the second I walked into the practice room, my usual smile when I'm around him falling straight into place, "Hiya Jiminie-Hyung" I spoke back brightly as he skipped over to me for a hug.

He giggled at my imitation before pulling me toward the others, as usual I was the last to arrive, but I still wasn't late.

We all practiced hard, there was no time to waste on flirting with Jimin and time flew by quickly, few mistakes and a lot of sweat later we were done.

"Do you have any plans today?" Taehyung asked me as I sat to have a drink, "uh, no I guess not, I know some of the Hyungs have a meeting, but I don't, how about you?" I huffed back, still out of breath.

"Hm, I haven't got anything to do either, did you wanna go somewhere? Or even just hang out here?" He asked with a smile and I nodded, "sure Hyung whatever you wanna do." I shrugged nonchalantly while putting my water back in my bag, "well we could go get some food somewhere?" He suggested and I frowned.

"Uh, to be honest I don't know if we should leave actually. If the hyungs are having a meeting I feel like we should stay here, they might have something important to say when they're back and Namjoon-Hyung is always mad at me recently so I'd rather not risk it." I laughed a little.

"Really? How come he's mad at you?" He asked with a frown, just as I was about to answer Jimin came up behind him and rested his chin on Tae's shoulder, "What are you guys talking about?" He asked with wide curious eyes making myself get caught up in staring at his cuteness.

"Jungkook and I have nothing to do for the rest of today, we were just talking about what we should do together." He shrugged, jolting Jimin's chin away from his shoulder, "well I have nothing to do either, can I join you?" He asked sweetly, nervously playing with his own fingers.

"Of course Hyung." I replied instantly and Taehyung looked back over to me quickly, "ah, yeah sure Jiminie." He cleared his throat and put his hands in his pockets, "cool! So what did you wanna do? I'm hungry, we should all go grab some food." Jimin spoke enthusiastically and I couldn't help but immediately smile and nod.

"Well Jungkook was just saying we should stay here just in case the hyung's get back from their meeting and need to-"

"Ah no no it's okay Tae, we can go grab some food, I'm sure we'll be back before them anyway it's fine." I cut off Taehyung's explanation and Jimin smiled, grabbing my hand and walking me to the door.

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