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Chapter 8: Se Faire de Nouveaux Amis

There was something special about reading that was like a drug to Avery. It was way more than just following a story. If that's what she wanted to do, she could just watch Netflix. But, reading books was something different. She didn't know if it was the intimacy felt between the reader and the characters, the smell and feel of the pages, the message or moral it conveys, the unique way different authors seem to make you feel like you're being dragged into the storyline or all of the above. Whether it was in French or English, Avery loved to read it.

This time it was a French novel that her mother had bought her named 'Pays Mêlé'. It was quite a solemn book and spoke about the struggles encountered by women and black people in the Caribbean 20th century.

Avery had reached the midway point of the book and decided to take a break there, her heart feeling too heavy to continue just yet. She placed her bookmark on the page where she stopped and closed the book, placing it beside her. She was sat on the steps of one of the side entrances to the school's main building since her teacher was absent. It was the first period of the day and everyone was in their classes, leaving the entire campus peaceful and quiet. The beautiful, well-trimmed grass was as green as ever and seemed to stretch on for miles now that there wasn't a crowd of students standing on it and blocking the view.

"Penny for your thoughts?" a voice sounded as Avery spotted a shadow in her peripheral. When she looked up, her eyes landed on Carson and she gave a small smile. Behind him though, Avery could decipher a figure if she squinted her eyes. Her smile seemed to falter.

"Who's that?" Avery asked, dismissing Carson's greeting. The person in question stepped out from behind her best friend and gave her a smile. She felt an unpleasant twinge in her stomach to see that Carson seemed to be hanging out with this random girl she didn't even know when he was supposed to be in class.

"Avery, this is Marigold," Carson used his hand to gesture to the red-head as he introduced her, "Marigold, this is my best friend Avery."

Marigold waved at Avery and held her hand out for a handshake. Her smile was almost blinding as Avery hesitantly met her halfway. "Hey!" said the random girl. Her voice sounded chirpy causing Avery to narrow her eyes in suspicion. Both her possessiveness and protectiveness for Carson kicked in and Avery analysed the girl from head to toe. There was no doubt that she was beautiful and Avery couldn't help but admire how the name 'Marigold' seemed to suit her so perfectly. Marigold's light hazel eyes almost seemed golden in the sunlight and the way it complemented her orange-red hair would make anyone think of the flower.

"Hello," Avery replied, letting go of her hand and turning her head to Carson, "What are you doing out here? It's not your free period yet."

"Marigold just transferred and Administration wanted me to show her around. So, that's what we're doing. What are you doing out here, Aves?"

Avery's eyes flicked back to the girl who she noticed was watching her just as carefully as she had been watching her before. "Seems a little inconvenient to be transferring in the middle of the semester during the last year of high school."

Carson furrowed his eyebrows at his best friend's icy tone.

Carson had only had one girlfriend during the period that he and Avery were friends. It's safe to say that it did not end well. She was a cheerleader and had only used his status for bragging rights and to ascend on the school's social ladder. Carson was a patient, passionate and kind person but he had to draw the line when said cheerleader started talking about their sex life. They parted ways, leaving Carson heartbroken.

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