Chapter 21. Saving A Damsel In Distress

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The depth of a connection is not measured in miles but in heartbeats.

~by thangbalay from 'Instagram'.

[A/N: A very very long chapter ahead.]

Daniel's POV

I pressed on the accelerator pedal fastening the pace of this wrecked yet expensive car as I drove off in full speed on an empty road to god knows where.

I was glad Anthony finally accepted the truce but ever since Ariel reminded me the other part of the truce where Ariana has to go back to that damn Alpha, I don't know what to feel anymore.

There's this part of me which is satisfied now that she'll finally leave and I could get rid of all these mixed feelings I have developed for her over time but then there's a larger part of me who doesn't want to let her go and make her stay by my side forever.

What the heck is wrong with me? From when did things started changing?

I pressed on the accelerator to increase the speed even more but my whole body jerked forward as the car came to a sudden halt.

I had actually pressed the darn break!

Before my head could make impact with the steering wheel due to the sudden jerk, the airbags puffed out making the whole interior of the car look like a damn balloon.

I quickly got out of the car and closed the door with a lot of force out of frustration.

I rested my head on the shed of the car. I just don't know what to do. I want Ariana to be with me but I also want her to be back with her mate. 

Something doesn't seem right to me about Anthony that makes me all the more cautious to let Ariana go back to him. On top of that, Kiana wants me back. Why now though?

Ugh...this is so annoying!

I kicked the car in anger. Lifting my head up, I looked around my surrounding only for my eyes to widen.

How the heck did I end up on a cliff?!

My eyes roamed over to every nook and crany of the oddly comforting deserted land. At a particular spot, I spotted someone standing at the end of the cliff.

My eyebrows furrowed as the figure became more and more familiar. What is she doing here-

Oh, damn!

Just before she could jump off the cliff, I ran over to her in my full vampire speed and caught her on time pulling her away from the cliff-end before she could fall to her absolute death.

"Have you lost your mind, Kiana?! Do you know what you were about to do?!" I shouted right in her face.

Kiana took me by complete surprise when she broke down in front of me and hugged me.

"I'm sorry, Danny. I just don't have anybody anymore. Duncan's family threw me out of his house. My parents died years ago. I cant stay in the orphanage anymore. I don't have a home for myself. I'm homeless. Where should I go? Even you dont want me anymore. I feel so lonely, Danny!" Kiana cried histerically clutching onto me tightly.

I stood frozen to the spot without a word, my hand remained on my sides while she continued sobbing loudly. If it was years ago it would have hurt me a lot to see her like this and I would have done anything to comfort her but for some reason, I don't feel much sad now in fact I feel nothing.

I didn't know she was so heartbroken since Duncan's death and I didn't expect Duncan's family members to throw her out of his house either. How much ever his family hated Kiana, one thing I knew for sure was Duncan really loved her and he would do anything to keep her safe and happy. I saw it in his eyes, even though it hurt a lot back then but I knew that he loved her with all he had. Maybe that's one of the reasons I never tried to snatch her away from him.

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