awful things

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i picked you a flower once.

whispering with age, i remember how her petals had crisped and curled. starving, like the way you wore me hungry. you liked me like that, begging, hands pressed to my thighs taut with desire. insatiable throbbing in my gut. you said it was


i tear into you tear into me. my lips are puffy with salt. you're ink-eyed, heavy-lidded. you're looking at me like a starving man. i'm eating like i've never been fed. eat until i've had my fill, limbs like lovelorn twigs. i want to chew you down into something small. a little more bad for me. digestible. eat you out of your skin.

say i want you to be lipstick-stains-on-your-teeth boy, want you to slick your hair with vaseline. you're cinnamon and wine-swollen, wind on your cheeks. i want you to be more "yes, please".  dirty mind. dirty eyes. dirty jeans. i want to taint you. ruin you, gorge myself on your sweet scent; flesh and flowers i

have talked too fast, too hard. made myself too vulnerable. my fingers tremor when i touch you. you can hear them begging if you stay quiet. if you kiss me quiet you'll hear them ask you to

unravel me

seed like a cold egg on my tongue. cracked open, bittersweet

your body. it's dancing in the shadows of my daydreams

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