chapter 1-the new neighbour

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             "Alright bros,ill see you in the next video.and here's a brofist".I looked at my computer screen with a video of pewdiepie from 3 years ago on it as I replied pewds' brofist with mine."man,I wish he still did brofists.I literally have to go back in time to fistbump felix.well,not exactly felix.its kind of my computer screen.but still?".I said as I looked at the clock.A shit,its 2:00 am!I really need some shut eye".I then went on to turn my computer off and went to bed.
                 The next morning~

                I woke up,still tired. asking the world for five minutes of sleep even though we all know,thats not true.I looked at the time"A SHIT,IM GONNA BE LATE!".I jumped out of bed,washed my face and put on the first thing I find in my closet.Didn't really had time to puchker up or even shower though owo.
                I ran outside holding my heels in much as I want to wear just plain shoes today,im a fasion designer and my boss would kill me if he saw me wearing other than heels to work.he said it would be a disgrace.Dramatic much am I right?so,as I continued running, I got distracted when I saw a moving van and some boxes a the house next to mine which is suppoused to be empty."huh,I wonder who's moving in?".I perked out my head a little bit to see."fuck. I'm distracted again". I turned around and accidentally hit someone very hard.
               "Ouch",I said while rubbing my injured leg."omg miss,are you alright?!?".that voice.that fimmiliar voice with that tint of swedish accent.I look up, hoping to see the person whom I think the voice belonged to.and there he was.pewdiepie.I wasnt really sure if it was the fall that made me hallucinate or if felix was really in front of me."miss, can you hear me?Are you alright?",he said again.this time,I answered,"oh..uh,y-yes.I'm fine.ow".I said rubbing my leg again.
      "You look like you hurt your leg there".
      "Im sure it's nothing.I-I have to go to work now.ah!"I moaned in pain as I tried to get up.
        "Let me take you to the clinic.Your leg looks seriously injured.
         "No,im fine.I'm really late right boss is gonna kill me"

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