27. Let bygones be bygones

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Bet y'all didn't think I was going to update today huh! Well, here it is;) vote comment share!!!


** Becky's Pov **

Few weeks after we've gotten back from the hospital. We really tried to go back to normal which highly impossible to do so.

When I just--we just lost a baby. Our lives haven't been the same since.

I keep telling myself that I've forgiven her--Amy--but it still hurt--I'm so angry at her--she ruined us.

I prayed every night that God help me have a forgiven heart and to help matt and I overcome this.

Matt still had very intentions of pressing charges but I convinced him not too.

I spent most of my times at my parents home when matt was not home.

Janelle came to visit me whenever she could.

I couldn't stay in the house on my own.

Because it brought memories. Sometimes I just--

"I'm home, love" Matt announced from the downstairs.

Today, I decided not to go visit anyone, not even my parents.

Janelle called me earlier to check up on me during her lunch break.

"I'm here" I replied from the bathroom.

I have been in this big bathtub since matt left work.

I couldn't get up--I was just numbed.

I cried and cried until my tears began to dried themselves.

I had headaches from all that crying.

"Are you alright, love" I heard him climbed the up the stairs.

"I-I don't know" I sniffles.

"Did you visit your parents, today?" he came inside the bathroom.

I shook my head saying no.

"How long have you been here?" he asks.

"T-The whole day" I replied.

He was about to lose it and become angry but he calmed himself down.

"Let's get you out of there" he removed his work clothes left his boxers on.

"I-I'm fine" I lied.

"You were here the whole day without making any other movements that are not being fine, love" he starts to carry me out of the tub.

I wiggled my way out from his grip.

Instead of getting out of the bathtub.

I had a better idea.

"m-make love to me" I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He almost considered it but he remembered the same scenarios. I have been putting him through the past weeks.

Sometimes, I woke him up in the middle of nights just so we can you know.

In a weird way, it helped me not feel the pain. I only thought about matt being in arms and loving me.

yeah, of course! Sometimes he refused because he was tired from work.

"No, sweetheart" he groans. And unwrapped my arms off his neck.

"Why not?" I asked.

"This is a healing process. You have to feel the pain of any loss in order to be healed. And you're trying to avoid that pain by us making love" he made me face him.

He's right.

I just have to deal with this like a normal human being would.

"You knew?" I asked him.

"Of course! I did. I was also doing the same thing as you by burying myself with work" he responded.

"we will be alright" he hugs my soapy bare body.

"I-It hurts, matt" I broke into tears.

He held into I stopped crying.

Then he helps me off the bath and into the shower to rinse out the soap from my body.

"Here" he hands me the towel.

I left the bathroom leaving him there so he can shower next.

When matt finishes showering he came out the bathroom back into our room to get dressed.

I was already done. I was now applying a little bit of foundation.

Then we heard the door knock.

"That's probably, Janelle" I wore my sandals to go open the door.

Matt puts on a tee shirt and basketball shorts.

He follows me downstairs.

I was in front off matt.

I opened the door to see who it was.

"H-Hi, " the lady says.

It was the same woman that was caused our baby's death.

Oh god, what is she doing here?!

My hands trembled from the doorknob as tears ran down my face.

I walked backward until I felt Matt's chest behind me.

"I--I came--" she lets herself in our home.

Matt didn't even let her finish her sentence.

He steps in front and pushed her on the nearest wall.

"YOU, what are you doing here?!" matt held Amy by her throat lifts her higher against the wall, until her feet couldn't no longer touch the floor.

"m-matt, I can't breath" she gasped for air.

"good" matt smirks.

"m-matt, let her go" I tried to say.

I didn't want to the defend her.

But matt fighting her is not going to solve anything.

"Call the police, Becky" Matt still had his hand on her neck.

I refused to obey.

"Fine, I will call them. Can't you see she asked for this" he reaches for his phone with his free hand.

He spoke with the police while Amy turned bright red.

And still gasped for air.

"learn how to forgive, matt. let go and let God" I tried to calm his anger.

"SHE KILLED OUR BABY. SHE ALMOST KILLED US TOO. HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN, BECKY?!" matt spoke with an intense amount of anger that it frightened me.

"You act as if nothing happened?" Matt continues.

"I AM! grieving for my child. But taking revenge on Amy will not bring our baby, okay" I sobbed.

He let's go off Amy who's now on the floor coughing repeatedly.

"I--I came to apologize, " she says still coughing.

It was hard to for me to believe that she actually came here to ask forgiveness.

We heard the police sirens comes in. Matt talked to the police men's.

I didn't tr to stop him this time.

They put Amy in handcuffs the police took her away.


Amy Amy! You should have stayed at home! But at least we got an apologies out of you! Do you think her apologize was sincere??Feel free to leave a comment down below! I wanna know what y'all think;)& Vote comment share!!

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