Chapter 10

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My eyes widen and I can feel my heart beating so fast. 

Without even thinking about what I'm doing, I scramble out of bed and move back until my back hits the cupboard. It rattles from the impact and something falls on to the floor, filling the room with a glass shattering sound. I don't take my eyes away from his to even look at what it is. I fist my hands to stop them from shaking but that doesn't do much good.

"Hey Hope." 

He is wearing a t-shirt and a jacket with jeans. Even in the dark, you can see his beautiful smile. "Remember our deal? Hope you have an answer ready for me."

He sits down on the bed sideways and look up at me. He is directly in the path of moonlight that his face shines, giving me a clear sight of his smirk.

He pats the bed right next to him on my side indicating me to sit down but I don't move. Not even an inch.

"Sit down." He says that in a commanding voice that for a moment, I feel like doing what he asks. But I don't move. Don't even take my eyes away from his blue ones.

The only movement I make is my chest heaving up and down with each shaky breath.  

His smirk goes and he scowls irritatedly.

"N- No." I stammer without meaning to. I'm actually surprised that I found my voice to even say that.

I know I was expecting him to come but that doesn't mean I'm not scared to face him. Just 2 weeks ago this guy raped me. I can't believe I'm not panicking or unconscious yet, being in the same room as him alone at a night, yet again.

But for some reason, I know he won't do it again. But then again, I also thought he wouldn't hurt me the first time so, who am I to judge? 

I try to move back as much as I possibly can. I saw him notice that. He sighs defeatedly.

"Fine. Stay that way then." He backs up until he's leaning against the bed post, getting comfortable.

"Answer me now." His voice grows serious. "Would u be mine?"

My breath catches. His eyes meet mine from across the room and we stay like that for a while. I don't even know for how long. I know my answer but I'm afraid of how he might react to it. 

His eyes search mine but his expression doesn't change.

I clear my throat and gather my courage. I actually practise on what I was planning to say the entire day yesterday. Of course, I didn't say anything out loud, just in my head. But now, I don't remember any of that.

"No." My voice sounds so much weaker than I want it to be. So I clear my throat and try again. "No, I won't." 

His expressed is unreadable and solid.

"No?" He sounded hurt and surprised. 

He looks down at the bed and I can see his expression changing to confusion and then to anger. He looks up at me again. I hope it's the moonlight doing the trick but I think I saw tears pooling his eyes.

I swallow hard and continue with my answer. "No Veron. I wont be yours." I clear my throat again. "Just because you make me pregnant, doesn't make me want to be with you." My voice is a little calm now though my heart is beating so fast.

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