Chapter 22

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"Essence move damn," I said as she kept jumping on the bed

"Nope, not until you give me attention," She, said

"You got five seconds to lay yo ass down before I drop kick you" I said

She chuckled before plopping down,

"Can I see yo phone?" she said

"Im using it,"

She sucked her teeth" Aight whatever"

She was about to leave the room but I grabbed her making her fall into my lap "What's wrong with you baby" I said

She smiled "Cause, I called you so we could spend time not so you could be on yo phone, but whatever Imma go downstairs"," she said while Trying to get out my grip

, "No you ain't, you gon stay yo ass right here wit me" I said

She squirmed out my grip and got on my lap "I've been thinking" She said

I raised my eyebrow "What yo little nasty ass been thinking about" I said

She chuckled "Im ready to make it official"

I smiled "Wait are you sure like it's ok if your not r-"

She gripped my face "Yes I'm sure" She said

I kissed her lips gently before pulling away when I felt my phone vibrate

Me: Hello

Mia: J-Josh social services here and they need to talk to you

My heart dropped hearing those words I pushed essence off me and grabbed my shoes

Me: Im on my way don't say shit about our parents

I hung up and rushed out the door ignoring essences calls...
when I walked in it was mia Jakova and jaylin, and a random guy sitting on the couch I could see the fear in Mias eyes when she looked at me

I could see rocky glaring at the guy

"Hi I'm Mason," The guy said

"What do you need to talk to me about," I said

"Umm josh where are your parents" Mason said

I swallowed "At work, they get back later and I'm 18, old enough to watch, them," I said

"Really cause every time we ask Jakova to meet his parents he always says their at work So what going on," He said

"Sissy, where are  mommy and daddy I never see them," Jaylin said

Mia's eyes softened at jaylin

"Umm she's just tired that's why she's saying that," Jakova said

"Im sorry but these kids have to come with me the average age of a guardian is 19 or up and I don't think your parents are even living with you guys," The guy said

"No please sir, please don't take them" I begged

"Sissy what's gonna happen" Jaylin said

Mia began to cry

"Guys please pack your stuff, "The guy said

"No josh do something" Mia yelled with tears in her eyes

I pulled her into a hug "Im gonna get y'all back ok just relax and stay by Jakova and jaylin don't let know one take them away" I whispered in her ear

"Ok we have a couple more kids waiting outside so we have to go," The guy said

"Nigga you bout to take my siblings I can hug them however long I fucking want to," I said making him flinch

"Sissy I don't want to go" Jaylin cried as she held onto Mia for life

I sighed as the guy took them outside when they left I punched the wall leaving print

"FUCK" I yelled dropping to my knees...
"What am I gonna do they already caught on to the fact I'm not 19" I said

"Baby it's late let's just go to sleep ok we will figure everything out in the morning," Essence said

I snuggled into her chest "What if they're hurting them I can't stand this feeling of Mia and them being abused" I said

"You can't think that way just pray that God will keep them safe," She said

"This is all my fault," I said

I got off her and repeatedly punched the pillow

She grabbed me pulling me away from the bed and towards the bathroom

"Stay there," She said

I sighed before taking a seat on the toilet, She came back with a towel and some sort of oil

"What you doing," I said

She ignored my question and turned the bath on

"Take your clothes off," She said

"What you finna do" I said

She chuckled at, my face

"Boy nothing sexual, I'm just gonna ease some of yo stress," She said

I sucked my teeth as I took my clothes off she quickly turned her head I laughed and got in the bath

She instantly began rubbing me from my back to my chest and I closed my eyes as she eased the stress away

I began falling asleep until

"Ayy fuck shit bi- AHHH" Nick screamed and ran out the room

"Wait is that my shampoo I been looking for th-" Nick was cut off by Mia

"GET THE FUCK OUT" She yelled

"Okay damn ain't have to yell anger issues ass," He said

"Omfg he doesn't know how to fucking knock," Essence said

Me and  essence looked at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter

"That nigga stupid asf" I said

She smiled and kissed my  neck "You know Im always here right" She said

"Yes mami I know but you better move your hand before you start some shit," I said

Her eyes went wide when she realized where hands were

And quickly moved it her cheeks turned red as hell

I chuckled "Go to sleep I know you tired I'll be out in a min," I said

She nodded and kissed my lips before leaving the bathroom

I sighed "God, please protect them" I mumbled...

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