chapter 7

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i woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. when i moved to get up and close them i felt something holding me in place.i looked down to find the cause and it was an arm. Sebastian's arm to be exact. i turned to look at him and the memories from last night came flooding back. me and Sebastian were fully mated finally. i tried to pull his arm off of me so i could get up but he wouldn't move so i reached over and poked him in the ribs he screamed and fell off the bed.
"what the fuck Vic" he yelled standing up and untangling himself from the sheets.
"the sun is like super bright and i wanted to close the curtains but you wouldn't let go so i made you let go " i smiled up at him .
he looked down at me and laughed. he walked over to the window and shut the curtains.
"better ?" he asked me walking back over to the bed.
"much"'i laughed
"good now come back to bed tor" he got back into the bed and pulled me over to him so my head was resting on his chest.
"i love you tor" he said and kissed the top of my head.
" i love you too Seb." i smiled and leaned up to kiss him .
just as we were falling back to sleep there was a knock on the door.
i got up and walked over to the door.
" what" i called through the door.
"come down stairs mom wants to talk to you" Allie called back through the door.
i groaned "fine tell her we will be down in a few minutes."
i walked back over to the bed where Sebastian was laying down. i could hear him snoring quietly, he fell asleep great now i have to wake him up. i walked up to him. i shook him and called his name a few times but he didn't move. i tried to get him to wake up a few more times but eventually i got irritated i swear to god this boy sleeps like the dead. i walked into the bathroom grabbed a bucket filled it all the way to the top with ice cold water and carried it back into my room and over to my bed.
" Sebastian f you don't get up right now I'm going to dump this all over you" i yelled.
he groaned and rolled over. i laughed and lifted the bucket taking a step closer i tilted the bucket over and emptied it onto him. he screamed and shot out of bed.
" babe what the fuck!" he yelled grabbing a towel off the chair by my desk and drying himself off.
" sorry baby but you wouldn't get up and my mom wants us down stairs. i gave you fair warning of what would happen but you didn't want to listen to me." i laughed at the irritated look on his face.
" whatever. what does your mom want anyway?" he asked
" other than your head on a silver platter? yea shes still a Little bitter about what you did to me. shes a very protective mommy. I'm not really sure but she sent Allie to tell us to come downstairs."
" shes going to hate me forever because of that isn't she?" he asked.
" no probably not but for right now yea your not exactly her favorite person in the world."
he frowned and walked into the bathroom. i heard him turn the shower on as i walked into my closet. i started looking through my clothes until i settled on one of my favorite pairs of ripped black skinny jeans and my All Time Low band tee.i got dressed, grabbed my converse from the floor of my closet and walked back into my room. i sat on my bed and put my shoes on as i was finishing lacing up my shoe Sebastian came out of the bathroom.
" Vic could you run down to my car and grab the clothes out of my trunk please." he threw his keys to me.
i caught them and put them down on my bed, got up and walked into my closet. i came back out with a sleeping with sirens band tee and a pair of black basketball shorts.
"here, these should fit you." i said handing him the clothes. he took them and started getting dressed.
"WHO's are these?" he asked
" i have a brother those were his." i said brushing out my hair.
"what happened to him? he doesn't live with you i cant find his scent outside of your closet and these clothes."
"i don't really know what happened to him and frankly i don't really care. i have always and will always love my brother but i don't really like him all that much so it doesn't really matter to me what happened to him at this point. can we please just not talk about him anymore?" i sighed getting up and walking to the door.
" OK Vic, lets get this over with" he said walking uo to me and taking my hand as we walked down the stairs to the kitchen where my mother and my sisters where waiting for us.
as we walked into the room my mother stood up and walked over to us. she had tears in her eyes and the biggest smile on her face. she pulled me into a tight hug.
" my baby! i cant believe you hare mated! im so happy" she said
"mom your crying"
"I'm sorry I'm just so happy, my girls are growing up so fast" she said taking a step back and looking at me and my sisters.
"wait so your not mad at him anymore." i asked happily.
"no clearly you have forgiven him so i guess i will too."
i smiled and hugged my mother.
" i love you mom" i said kissing her cheek
i turned to look at my sisters and smiled.
"Allie, tay did you guys...."
"yes!!!!!!!" the both screamed.
"omg !!!" i yelled and ran n hugged my sisters. we started talking about it and when my sisters asked my about Sebastian before i could answer he came up behind me and put his arm around my waist and a hand over my mouth
"OK were done here" he laughed
"aw whats wrong babe" i laughed turning to look at him.
he gave me a you know whats wrong look and i laughed at him.
"aw sorry" i smiled up at him and kissed him on the cheek.
i whispered to my sisters "ill tell you about it later"
"so mom what did you want to talk about "
" well i know that the three of you are mated now and i thought we all needed to talk about a few things. we are just waiting for the boys"
" for fucks sake they live next door how long does it take"
" actually Vic they are at the pack house i needed Kris there so he could watch over the pack while i was here with you." Sebastian told me
"oh well far away is the pack House exactly?" i asked him.
"yea actually its not that far so they really are taking a while its only like 4 blocks away from here."
he pulled out his phone and called Kris but he didn't answer.
"i will try Damian' Taylor said she grabbed her phone and dialed the number but he didn't answer either.
"ill call Damian I'm sure he will answer me." i laughed and picked up my phone. it rang a few times before he picked up like i knew he would.
"hey Damian where the hell are you guys?"
"hey tor we are coming we had to deal with something at the pack house"
"is everything OK ?"
" yea everything is OK right now ill tell you about it when we get there we are getting in the car right now. luv ya tor "
" OK be careful bye Damian luv you 2"
i hung up the phone and looked up at everyone, they were all staring at me.
"what are you all looking at ?" i asked them
" what the fuck" Taylor said.
" whats wrong tay?"
" why the fuck did he ignore me but answer you"
" oh that's simple. he knows better than to ignore me i have my own ring tone and when he hears it he know he better fucking answer." i turned to look at Sebastian
"you will learn that lesson soon I'm sure of it."
"I'm sure i wont "
" yea you will , ask Damian what happened last time he ignored me"
Taylor looked at me and laughed " I'm going to kill him he thinks its OK to ignore me but answer you. i don't think so"
"aw tay if it makes you feel any better you have the default ring tone and he was ignoring everyone they had some kind of situation over there he promised to tell me about it when he got here"
" yea... I'm kinda glad he answered you i remember what happened last time i would really rather that didn't happen again."
i laughed at her "yea I'm sure you would."
Sebastian looked at me a little scarred "what did you do to him"
"yea i think its best if you ask him about it i don't remember exactly what he was telling people happened " i laughed
" my god Vic was it really that bad that he needed a cover story "
" oh yea "
Sebastian looked at me really scarred and said "god remind me never to get in your bad side"
just as i was about to answer him someone knocked on the door. i ran to go open it but before i got there Damian walked in. i ran over to him grabbed his hand and said
"we need to talk Damian" i dragged him up stairs to my room leaving everyone including our mates in the kitchen watching us walk away. when we got up stares i pushed him into my room and closed the door.
" ok spill what happened today?"
he looked at me and hesitated before answering.
"we had some rouges on the boarder and when we went out to investigate i recognized one of them.... i didn't say anything to anyone because i wanted to talk to you about it first. hes in a cell at the pack prison "
" who is it Damian?" i asked getting scared that my uncle had sent someone to find me.
"its Sean" he replied
finally another chapter up. as you can see at the request of certain readers i decided not to go into detail of the events of that night but I'm sure you can all figure out what happened anyway ;-)
so who do you guys think Sean is? ill give you a hint he is connected to her past and he is a pretty important part of it whether she is willing to admit it or not. there will be some back story on him in the next chapter and you will be meeting him very soon. hope you guys like the chapter. the picture is Hillary duff who is playing Allie and the song is backseat serenade by ALL Time Low it doesnt really have anything to do with the chapter but its like one of my favorite songs and its been stuck in my head all day so i figured i would share it with you guys.✌️💙🍪

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