CH5 : His other life

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Bambi - Jidenna

We had been driving for quite some time now and Seth and I haven't said anything to each other, and believe me I was dying to know where he was taking me
"So.....where are we going again" I said trying to make conversation with him but he just ignored me and making me huff in frustration and sit back but I didn't dare relax I wasn't sure what kind of things Seth could do to me
After a few more minutes we stopped at a very quiet and remote area in the middle of nowhere and Seth parked the car and Seth guided me through the trees
"Are we there yet" I asked and I didn't miss the growl that he gave at my question but he gave no answer as we continued to go deeper into the trees it now almost seemed like we were lost in a forest but Seth seemed to know where he was going so I kept my fears at bay
Then as if I'd been struck I suddenly realized that if I ever did want to leave wherever he was taking me to I'll be lost in this mass of trees but then I remembered he is only high and will soon come to his senses or maybe my subconscious is only letting me believe that so I wouldn't have a panic attack just yet
After what felt like hours of walking we finally came to a clearing and what I saw took my breath away, in front of me stood what looked like a century old mansion, it main colours were brown, silver, gold, white and a little bit of beige.
It was a duplex with small bungalows surrounding it and an attic visible from outside, it was as quiet as a graveyard and it gave me the creeps
"Where are we" I asked Seth but he just ignored me and led me to the front door where he pushed a particular spot and some high tech security devices came out from under the chipping wood and he put in all the requirements, by now I was fidgeting in my place a million questions running through my head like

Why are we in the middle of nowhere?
What is he protecting with that level of security?
Where did he get that kind of gadget from?
Where did he get the gun from earlier
But most of all
What is on the other side of the door?

And as you all probably guessed my subconscious mind didn't have the answer this time
The words "ACCESS GRANTED" showed on the screen in bold green and the door opened with a click we walked down a dark rundown corridor and made it to to the basement and then he took me to a secret underground opening, then we took some stairs and finally ended up in front of another door which had a other high tech security lock which he once again opened and if I thought this place was silent and empty I was in for a surprise of my life, I was welcomed by the sound of loud hip hop music blasting in the room we walked into and it took me a moment to realize the walls must be sound proof as we walked in I had to look around in awe, now this is not a bad place to be held hostage
The walls were white and silver with engravings in gold it looked straight out of a Hollywood movie the sofa's were also white and gold and there were no paintings or pictures on the walls but it looked homely enough but there was no one there and I also noticed that the music was coming from beyond the passage
We walked through the passage and came into another room that was almost five times bigger than what I assumed was the living room but just realized was only the waiting room, this room couldn't have been anymore different from the first
It had black walls and blood red sofa's I wasn't sure we're bought in that colour, across the room we're about five other teenagers our age or maybe older I couldn't really tell but they were two girls and three boys and the moment I stepped into the room all eyes were on me and they all seemed shocked for a minute before the girl with the bright pink hair started screaming for the others
"Molly...Aiden come on Seth's brought home a new pet" apparently there were more because two other teens came rushing down the stairs at the pinked haired girls call and then her words started to replay in my head until I realized what exactly she just called me
She called me a pet and a new one at that, were there old ones, what did she even mean by the word pet
The same pink haired girl who called me a pet was now standing directly in front of me and I could see the green and orange tips on her pink hair she extended a hand to me as I looked to Seth to see his reaction to the name but his face was completely blank giving nothing away
"Hi, my name is Aria but everyone calls me pink, I'm guessing the reason is obvious" she said and it was when I took a good look at her she was in a pink crop top with pink shorts and pink comfy bunny slippers that went suprisingly well with her tattoo covered body she had a couple of pink piercings here and there but I could make out the one settled on her tongue looking like a lollipop I wouldn't be surprised and it was and to complete her look she had pink nails on and pink contact lenses, I didn't even know those existed
Standing next to her was a curious looking guy in basketball shorts and a tank top that looked twice his size but looked good on him his hair was neatly combed on his head and his sea green eyes stared at me full of curiosity like he wanted to know everything about me, one look at him and I could tell he was a neat freak from his perfectly manicured fingers to his white as snow slides on his feet and also the hair comb sticking out of his pocket
"Hi I'm Aiden the cool guy around here you are one cute little lady" from the way he spoke I could tell he wasn't flirting or flattering he was just stating a fact
"Oh get out of the way you gossip eating monster" some one said from behind him and literarily picked him up and set him behind his tall frame
"There she is, hi I'm Ethan the only real man around here but I'm sure I'm more than enough " he was tall and built like a footballer and also had some barely visible tattoos on his neck he looked comfy in his sweat pants and hoodie I almost wanted to cuddle him besides he was cute like a giant teddy bears with those dimples and brown beady eyes
Like a practiced performance someone moved him out of the way and I was facing yet another unknown face she was taller than me by at least two inches and had black hair falling on her back, she wore sweat pants and a crop top and bare footed, she moved soo close I had to lean back to protect my personal space she seemed to be the only black in the room and I was already getting bad vibes until she leaned back and smiled a small smile and said
"I'm Molly but you can call me MJ I don't mind either way, her eyes were black not dark brown but black and it gave her a chilling vibe, no one pushed her away as she walked to the sofa picking up the remote and flipping through channels
"You'll get used to her or she'll get used to you, she's a lot more fun when she's high, I'm Damien by the way" a slightly tall guy in nerdy glasses said to me extending his hand to me which I shook and nodded at him he looked normal at least compared to his friends he wore sweatpants also and a wife beater that showed of his well defined muscle his hair was combed neatly and his midnight blue eyes were smiling at me
"Those are Dave and Sambra they most likely wouldn't have introduced themselves so I should, would you mind telling me your name" he asked
"Nicole, Nicole Michelson" I said and I heard something shatter in the distance, it seemed as if Ethan had dropped something and I looked to see what it was before I noticed everyone's shocked expressions and began to get nervous under their stares even Dave and Sambra couldn't hide their surprise and it made wonder what the hell I was getting into I turned to Seth but his face was as stoic as ever as he lifted me up bridal style and carried me past the faces that looked like they've seen a ghost up to what I'm assuming was his room and threw me on the bed before walking out without another word.

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