Chapter One

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There's a certain beauty in anarchy.

At least that's how Naomi felt, as the battle in front of her unfolded. Raptly, she watched the fighters rage on, flashing off magic in dramatic spurts, flares of passion, and sweaty frustration. A male griffon, sleek and powerful, morphed their exterior into a stony, impenetrable barrier. The earth mage, facing off with him, remained undeterred. He quickly formed leafy, sharp vines to encase his opponent. All around her, similar pairs sparred. Elves, kitsune, an array of species, showed off their abilities.

As a meager spectator, a part of Naomi longed to join them. Her mother, Teresa, had taught her a great deal about battle magic, but what Naomi learned with her, she could never show here among her peers. Her sole option was to sit on the rough gym bench and watch everyone else be free. Free to be themselves and show who they truly were.

The jealousy Naomi felt was only outweighed by her own loneliness. But as she locked eyes with Jamie Smith, she buried the unwanted emotions deep, masking her feelings the same way she hid so many other things. Jamie's lips titled up into a sly smirk, and Naomi gritted her teeth, already knowing what would come next.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Naomi? Lazing around while the rest of us do all the hard work?" Jamie wiped some of her dark hair off her forehead, feigning fatigue.

"Oh, you know it. The only thing that would make it better is a glass of tea. Want to fetch it for me?" Naomi raised a challenging eyebrow. Jamie's expression turned dark, and she took a step towards Naomi with her hands on her hips.

"You sure you want to get any closer?" Jamie stopped in her tracks as Naomi pretended to reach out to her with desperate hands.

Her best friend, Rose, rushed to her side, pulling her backward.

"She's right. You'll catch the curse." Rose tugged at Jamie's arm and the two girls fell back.

Naomi didn't have time to celebrate her win as their gym teacher, Coach Garvey, blew his whistle, signaling the end of class.

"Alright, everybody. I suppose that's good enough for today. Go change," he said. Before he was even finished speaking, kids were walking away from him and towards the changing room to take hurried showers. Naomi got up to follow suit, but the coach called her name, beckoning her forward.

"Yes, Coach Garvey?" Naomi asked cautiously.

"I saw Jamie and Rose come up to you. They weren't giving you any trouble, were they?" His eyes swept over her analytically. He knew the answer but felt required to ask. And not because he was worried about Naomi's welfare. It had to do with the two other arguments she'd gotten into this year (with school only starting a month ago).

"No. Everything's fine," Naomi said. She hoped he believed the fake smile she gave him because she seriously couldn't afford to get suspended (again).

After a small humph, he nodded and motioned towards the locker room. By the time she entered the musty, cold room, half the girls were done showering and already changing into their regular clothes. Since she hadn't been a part of the exercises, Naomi went straight to changing.

She didn't get the chance to open her locker as she saw the red graffiti decorating it. In bright scarlet lipstick, someone had written "BARONESS" in bold, big letters across its metal, gray surface. Naomi's ears burned as she heard the muffled chuckles from the other students. Her face flushed as she spotted the mixed looks of pity and subtle agreement. To Jamie and her other classmates, this one word epitomized Naomi's existence and why they hated her. To them, she was a baroness, i.e. barren of magic. Cursed by the gods.

But she blocked out their prejudices and focused on the one thing that brought her peace during times like this.

Count to ten and breathe it away, for Dija heals all things, Naomi whispered the mantra inside her mind. Before she passed away, Naomi's mother had given her this advice for whenever she got upset. To take a moment and pray to Dija, the great dragon shifter goddess, when things felt too hard. Soothed by her familiar words, Naomi took deep breaths, letting her anger melt away.

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