Part 4

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Lisa's POV

"Aish! What the heck!" I curse under my breath.

I held my aching head as I slowly sat up from my bed-, wait, this is not my bed.

My eyes shoot open as I roamed my sight around and I sighed in relief when I realized where I am.

I'm in Jennie's room.

Then seconds later, the door of the bathroom opened.

"There's already breakfast and medicine on the table, take those after you clean yourself, okay? You can manage yourself here, right? I'll get going, I'm needed in the office now." Jennie then entered and said those when she saw me already sitting on the bed then exited the door without giving me the chance to say a word.

That hurted my feelings. She used to take care of me whenever I had a hangover before. She even takes day-off just to secure that I'm good and fine. And another thing, she never leaves me without giving a kiss and hug or at least giving me her beautiful sweet smile.

I sighed heavily as I feel my heart clenching once again by remembering what I just discovered last night.

Unconsciously, my eyes wander on Jennie's bedside table and a small smile formed on my lips when I saw our picture on a new picture frame. Though now it has lines from being crumpled and stains of blood, it is now fine.

I'll fight for us, Jennie.

I stood up from the bed with a new mindset and a goal. I will set aside the fact that Jennie is cheating on me and I will do everything to make Jennie leave that guy and be mine again.

Call me martyr or what, I don't care. I'm doing this because I think that it's only necessary to fight for the one you love and I love Jennie so much that I can't let her go just because of that.

And maybe it was also my fault, maybe my efforts were not enough or I am being boring now and she got tired of the things I do to her that's why she seeks for someone who can gave her the excitement.

Placing that crumpled picture on a new picture frame may seem a little thing for others but for me, it was a sign that Jennie still do care and love me, that she still consider me as a part of her life.

I went to the bathroom and do my rituals, Jennie and I both have spare clothes in each other's house that's why it's never a problem whenever we sleep in one's house.

Then I quickly went to eat the breakfast and drank the medicine she prepared for me and after I cleaned the dishes, I abruptly went inside my car and went to Jisoo's house or mansion, which it really looks like it.

I was about to drive inside when my phone rang.

Secretary Minatozaki Calling...

I then swiped to answer the call.

"Sup, Sana?" I greeted coolly. Though she's my secretary, I consider her as my friend coz we've been working together since I started my own company.

"You'll know what's up if you'll gonna move your ass and go here in the company, Boss." Sana replied with a slight irritation as she emphasized the word 'Boss' in the end of her sentence.

"Nah, my beautiful ass has to do something more important than going to the company, Miss Secretary." I retorted as I also emphasized 'Miss Secretary' and trailed with a laugh.

"Aish! Seriously, Lisa. You need to go to work coz there are a lot of papers that you need to review and needs your signature and approval. And your father's company also called us that you need to go there as well." She said, clearly from her tone that she is drop dead serious.

My head suddenly hurts when I get to hear what she said. I manage both my own and my father's company so you could now imagine how busy my life is. But what I'm proud of is that both companies already stablished their names in the industry especially my own company in a very short time.

"I'll go to work tomorrow, Sana. Just organize all the papers in my company and as well as Dad's. I have something more important to do today. Bye." I said in a serious tone.

"But-" I didn't let her protest and hung-up the call.

I need to fix this thing about me and Jennie first.

I then continued to drive towards Jisoo's gate and it automatically opened when the scanner recognize my car.

When I went out of my car, I abruptly went towards the main door and pushed it open and there I saw my dearest Unnie standing in the centre of her empty mansion.

Wait, empty?!

"Where the hell are your things, Jisoo-yah?! Are you robbed?!" I exclaimed while looking around with wide eyes.

She started to walk towards me, her face was blank so I panicked more.

"Yah! Kim Jisoo, answer me! We need to report this to the police right away. But how does the robber managed to get all of your things? And they actually passed your tight security?!" I bombarded her.

And when she reached my place, I was about to talk again but she put her hands on my shoulders and stared on my eyes then cracked into a grin.

"I just sold all the things here in the first floor coz I don't like those anymore, Limario. You're way overacting." She then said and burst out on laughing.

I was left agape.

What the heck?!

"What?!" I exclaimed, this girl surely is weird.

"I didn't know that you're deaf now, Lisa." She again laughed at me.

Okay, I need to breathe. Sometimes I wonder why did I even friends with this woman.

"First of all, what the heck, Jisoo? Second, I still can't understand the flow of your thoughts, and lastly, let's set aside this topic for now and help me with my plan." I said continuously.

"Plan? What plan?" Jisoo then asked as she creased her eyebrows.

I grin widely at her as review my plan on my mind again.

"So this is my plan..."

I promise to get your attention back on me, Jennie.

Lies - Truth (JenLisa FanFic) ✨ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now