20 - My new job

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Janvi pov

This past two weeks is utter boring, but he never stops bringing a girl daily. I had to resign the jobs which I had in London as I don't know if I can go there anymore.

All I do is cook for him and serve him only for my satisfaction and to kill the time. He also never forgets to wipe his hand on my dupatta customary. We barely talk with each other as he is busy. Not that he will talk even he is free. He will go out on weekends and come home late, maybe he will be with some of his flings. Every time I think about him being with another woman gives me pain and it breaks my heart but I wipe it off eventually. I want to divert my mind in some other work, I have to go to work. Yes, I have to. I should ask him about it. It's Sunday so he is in his study doing some business I guess. and it's the better time to ask about it. I knocked on the door of his study, I heard a manly bold, cold tone of him saying 'come in'. I went inside to see him buried his face inside a file, his hair is disheveled as he ran his hands through it multiple times. I want to do it to feel his hair, they look so soft and dense. He has full concentration on his file. So I took the time to observe him. His face has an slight irrigation look, with his lips pressed in a thin line. He also has a light blue button-up shirt with his collar button and the first button is free. What is the need of wearing a formal shirt in house? "If you are done staring me can I know why disturbed me with your unwanted presence," his voice bring me back to reality with his head still boring into the file. "I am not" "Ok then leave" "No... I mean.. Can I go.. Can I go to work?" "No" came his instant reply. "But I am bored at the house" "If you are bored, then I will quit the workers and you can do all the works at the house" "I am not a maid to do service to your home and you. I want to work in an office. I am an engineer, I don't want to waste my education" I said "My answer is no" why he is so adamant? "But why? I don't want to sit here doing nothing" "I don't want you to work outside. You have my money spend lavishly all you want as you planned" he said irritated by me. If I continue this argument, then he will definitely call me irrelevant words and hurt me again. It's better to do nothing than those words. "listen carefully Mr. Dev, do you know I am spending your money, I have my own money which I earned I don't need your bloody money to spend lavishly. If you agree or not I will work" I turned to walk out leaving him in shrinked eyes but he stopped me. "If you want to work then come and work in my office. It's your only chance. Take it or I won't allow you to work" he said in a rude tone. Do I need to be with him in his office? But is it ok to work for him? 'You will do the same work everywhere you go' said my subconscious. But with him? I don't have any other choice. "Ok I will" "On one condition" he said keeping his file aside. "What?" "No one should know that you are my wife" "Am I?" I fired back. "Yes. But only to my parents" He surely knows how to hurt me effortlessly. I nodded. "What is my pay?" "Can I give my whole company to you my greatness?" He said in a mocking tone. It's a total waste to talk to him. "I don't need your money. I want the pay for my hard work. That's it and I will pay you your money for keeping me in his house" "Ohh. So what about these past weeks you live here?" "I can give you even now" "Yes with your father's money!!!" I slammed the door hard and went out, giving him my reasons will be utter waste he would mock me or he won't believe me. It's been years since I used his fortune. I don't even want to be in debt with them for my life. That's why I agreed to this marriage. This man can bring all my bitter moments within a second. The Next thought that invaded my mind is 'what role he would give me in his office?' Shall I ask him about it? Yes, that's the only way. I walked back to his study room it's empty. Where he would be? I looked at the living room and he is not there too. Maybe in the kitchen? But He won't go there. Is he in his room? I should have searched him there. Where is his room? It's upstairs, there are three rooms which room should he be? I got irritated with my own hundreds of questions. I went there to open the first room and it's empty, I tried to open the second room it's locked. "What are you doing here?" I get jerked by his sudden strong voice. Can't he speak without frightening me? He is standing there with his hands-on pockets, with a tired look. But still looking handsome. Snap out of it Janvi, all glitters are not gold. "I came to see you" "Why?" "When can I join?" "Tomorrow", he said simply. And opened his door. "And.." "What now?" He asked irritated. "What is my designation?" "See it by yourself," he said and shut the door on my face. Rude. The next day came soon as I am in a great mode. I quickly get into taking a shower after long walking. I changed into a pale green top and black jeggings with black dupatta. I started cooking as it's still 7 am. I made chapatti with potato gravy and keer and placed its table. He came and ate it. He washed his hands and came to me to take my dupatta, I quickly hide it and give him a towel. He throws a confused look as I never opposed him while doing this. "I am going to office today have you forgot about it?" He nodded as no and came to me with a smirk and took my dupatta and wiped his hand and mouth. It's not a tissue. I want to yell but left it. He walked away after giving me a look. After him and took a cab and went to his office. The receptionist asked me, "Can I help you, mam?" "Yes, I came here to join in office" "Designation mam?" "I don't know that but Adi... ahh Mr. Dev asked me to come and meet him" "Your name mam?" "Janvi Hayer" she nodded. I did use his name as it's his condition to not reveal to anyone that I am his wife. She is beautiful and she dressed professionally. She then dialed someone and asked me to go to the 35rd floor. I thanked her and went to the elevator. It took me nearly 10 mins to reach the floor I am the only one who reached that floor. I can see a girl of my age standing there speaking to someone over the phone. "I am Janvi Hayer" "Yes, mam sir is waiting for you. Go to the end of the floor there is his office" she said with a beautiful smile. Why do all the girls here are beautiful? I thanked her and went to the direction she pointed. In the end, there is a room with a tag in it as Adith Dev, CEO. I knocked on the door to hear a strong 'come in' a voice that belongs to my husband. I went inside slowly. His room is really beautiful with a large desk in front of him, a small meeting table, a large sofa, and a big LED Plasma TV, a small library looking wardrobe. It's painted with grey, black and white colors and different frames are hanging at random places. Some artificial plants, the most important thing is the view from here is making my mouth open. Simply Woww... "Are you done?" He asked me in a serious tone. I shook my head as no looking down. He placed a paper and asked me to sign it. "But why?" "Its procedure who works here" I looked at him and at the document and signed without reading it. "What is my work?" "Arrange my schedules and file these papers properly, there is a meeting in an hour so arrange them before all make me a coffee" "Ahhh?" I asked confused "You are my PA that is Personal Assistant Ms. Hayer" "What? I want to work in a project as an engineer, you are asking me to tail around you?" "You have to and you signed 2 years contract" he showed me the papers I signed. How dumb I signed it without giving it a glance. "You don't have any other choice. Now go and bring my coffee" "But you had it in the morning" "Do you think I take your words seriously?" You won't ever do it Adith. I shook my head in no and went to make his coffee. So I am his PA, means always be with him? Strangely I felt both irritated and thrilled which I should not.

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