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Wailing woke both the exhausted parents up. Jaxon groaned quietly and felt the bed shift, alerting him Amora was ready to calm Cason. He instantly, and sleepily, got up and leaned over the bed while pushing her down gently by her shoulders. 

"Go back to sleep. I'll take care of him." He whispered knowing full well she was about to apologize. Before she could protest he claimed her lips in a soft, gentle kiss. "Sleep." He whispered once more and headed out the hallway to Cason's room. 

He slowly opened the little boy's room. He walked inside when he saw the blankets scrunched up, hiding a loudly crying boy. Jaxon sighed and walked towards the bed, kneeling down next to it.

"Cason," He called softly, speaking his name gently so he didn't startle the poor boy. He reached a slow hand forward and started to tug off the blanket when Cason's crying only got louder. He frowned and pulled the blanket off of his head. "Cason, what's wrong?" He frowned, looking down at his face buried into the bed.

Cason's was laying on his stomach, his legs underneath, propping his butt into the air. It was adorable, and Jaxon would have admired how adorable he looked, but his heart ached when he continued to cry.

The small boy's head lifted slightly, only to have him turn it away from Jaxon's view to cry. Jaxon placed a warm hand against his back, rubbing it soothingly. After a moment of thinking, Jaxon spoke again. "You want to lay down with Momma and me?" He spoke.

Cason nodded after a moment and looked up at Jaxon, reaching his pudgy arms out so he could get carried. He still cried and sniffed. Jaxon murmured something under his breath and scooped Cason into his arms, standing up. Tiny arms wrapped around his neck instantly, a warm head cradled into his neck.

Jaxon held him closely while exiting the room. "Did you have another bad dream?" He whispered after pressing a lingering kiss against his head. He felt Cason's head nod against him. Finally, after some time, his sobs turned into small sniffles. 

Jaxon walked to his and Amora's room. He was glad Cason was a little quieter so he didn't wake Amora again. He pulled the blanket down from the bed and climbed under, setting his little boy in between Amora and himself. 

Cason moved from Jaxon's side and laid on his back, sniffling. His small hand made contact with Amora's back that was faced him. He started to feel more tears well in his eyes, the urge to cry again significant. 

"Mommy?" He whispered, tugging against her thin shirt, hoping she was awake.

Jaxon was about to fall asleep again when he heard Cason's voice. He snapped his eyes open and removed the small hand that clasped the Amora's, technically his, shirt. "She's asleep, Cas. She's not going anywhere." He pressed a kiss against his head again. 

Cason started to wail again. This happened quite often. Cason would have a bad dream and cry loudly, waking them up. Whatever dream he has, he would need a certain parent to hold him. Tonight, it was obviously Amora. 

Jaxon was about to try quieting Cason down, but it was too late. Amora was awoken again, yawning, but instantly frowning at the loud crying of her son. She turned around on the bed and kissed Cason's hot head. "I'm right here, Baby." Her voice was obviously tired. 

Cason's wails stopped a moment into sniffles, his big blue eyes looking up at Amora. When he reaized she was awake, he started to cry once more and moved close to her, burying his teary face into her chest. She wrapped an arm around him and kissed his head, cooing small things into his ears. 

She was a wonderful mother. 

After a little while, he stopped crying. He sniffled slightly and wiggled slightly out of Amora's hold to lay on his back. "Daddy?" He whispered and reached a small hand up and poked his cheek. 

Jaxon's lips twitched into a sleepy smile. He opened his eyes, "Right here, buddy." He murmured and moved closer. Cason seemed satisfied both parents were awake. He grabbed one of Amora's hands and grabbed one of Jaxon's, laying their arms across his belly, snuggling into them.

Both adults smiled. Jaxon kissed Amora's head first before leaning down and pressure a loving kiss on top of Cason's head. "I love you." He whispered, smiling when he heard the young boys even breathing. 

Amora closed her eyes and grumbled, hoping to fall asleep for the next few hours. 

"Terrible Twos'."

Short Story | Miracle BabyWhere stories live. Discover now