Part 3

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The morning of the announcement I woke up early, feeling an urge to be productive.

I tried to dress a bit nicer for the occasion, wearing a white wrap dress that had lace sleeves trimming the edges.

After tidying up my room and making my bed I went downstairs where Isla was sitting on one of the high stools at the kitchen island bench.

"Feeling better?" I ask my little sister who immediately gives me a smile and nod.

"Yeah because today's the day you win the Prince's competition." She beams, taking a bite of her toast with a loud crunch. Her face was less pale than yesterday and her smile seemed much brighter.

"I wouldn't call it a competition." I say, putting some bread in the toaster for my breakfast and getting some juice from the fridge for a drink.

Dad came around the corner from his study and smiled when he saw me, "Good morning sweetheart, are you excited for the report?"

I raised one eyebrow, "You know there's no chance I would actually get in. I know Abbey, Ruby and Michaela are all going for it, as well as probably every other girl in the country." I say with a knowing smirk.

Dad chuckled, "But you, my darling, are special."

I pull my toast out and spread some butter and vegemite across of it. "You always say that, and you only say that because you're my dad." I say and he gives me a hug from behind before quickly pulling away and straightening his suit.

"I say that because I mean it. Good luck." He gives me one last smile before going over and kissing Isla on the head, grabbing his work bag and heading out the door.

I sat opposite Isla at the bench and began eating my breakfast.

I hadn't heard any more news from the royals so far and from what I recall the report wouldn't start for another half hour. Michaela had mentioned yesterday on the phone that her parents were already prepping to celebrate her leave for England before she had even won. I'm sure that she would have a chance, but it was still unlikely for her to be selected.

I ate my breakfast, then helped Isla braid her hair. There was something like an excitement in the air. I kept getting messages from my friends, who were all eager to hear the announcement.

Only minutes before it was set to start finally more of my family appeared.

Mum came into the room with Elizabeth, talking intently into an earpiece. Elizabeth was staring down at her phone, appearing to be reading something, scanning quickly.

I looked over at mum as she suddenly raised her voice to the rest of us, "Turn on the tv, quickly."

Isla quickly slid off her chair and went to turn on the tv that lit up and projected an image of the palace.

"Yes, I see it now. 5 minutes? Ok." Mum began speaking into her earpiece again and quickly left the room, her heels clicking softly on the tiles on her way out.

Clearly she didn't care much for me at this time.

The tv showed Buckingham Palace, surrounded by crowds of people all anticipation for the announcement only moments away. Snippets of the view swapped between the King and Queen sitting in thrones just off to the side of the lectern and Prince Thomas who was chatting to a group of official looking people in suits.

My my, he'd dressed to impress. Prince Thomas looked authoritative and in control speaking with people, decked out in sharp navy blue as they get candid shots of him. Man candy he was.

Elizabeth slipped her phone away into her pocket and came to sit beside me, linking her hand in mine and giving it a gentle squeeze.
My sister doesn't say anything though, and we just watch the screen intently as music begins to play.

A fanfare of trumpets played and the camera zooms in on the podium where the King rises from his seat. The crowd of officials silenced and I could feel the whole country stop moving for a moment as they waited. King William began by addressing his people,
"Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure you have all be looking forward to this day, when 20 lucky women will be chosen to come and meet my son, Prince Thomas. Knowing what's at stake, the future of our kingdom and for generations to come, you would be wise to not take this position lightly. No matter where you come from, you will be welcomed into the palace and we look forward to hosting 20 wonderful young hopefuls. Now, a few words from my wife, Queen Katherine."

King William gestured his hand behind him and passed the spotlight over to his wife. The Queen, in a stunning coral colored gown, stepped up to the lectern. She gave a heartwarming smile to the camera before beginning.

"I have faith that this will do good for our country and the commonwealth which we rule, bringing us together and hopefully my son will have found his wife." Queen Kate looked proudly over at Prince Thomas with a loving smile. "Knowing that this selection has been successful in the past we decided this was the best thing for the Prince. I won't keep you waiting any longer, I present Prince Thomas."

The crowd at the palace applauded and I noticed Isla rushed over to sit on the carpet at my feet to watch too. My eyes fixed on the screen as Prince Thomas stepped up to the podium and took the microphone. Several assistants wheeled in a clear barrel-like container that appeared to have hundreds of folded sheets of paper.

"And now," Prince Thomas's voice came out clear and confident, "The first name." I held my breath as he reached his hand into the container.
It felt like the whole room was in silent anticipation. Everything seemed to move slow, and I was feeling the pain as he slowly shuffled through the names.

He gripped one slip of paper and retracted his hand. He unfolded it slowly before reading the name out to the hundreds of viewers, "Lady Natasha Chambers from Australia."

I let out my breath that I held, a tinge of disappointed finding its way into my gut. My chances had slipped down now, and I had a feeling that they would only keep slipping until they were gone. The image of a girl popped up onto the screen behind the Prince, a brunette with nearly plaited hair and a warm skin tone.

Prince Thomas had pulled out another slip, "Lady Remy May from the United Kingdom." The crowd cheered again and the photo flicked to a girl with an extremely over enthusiastic smile and wavy dark hair.

Then another name, "Lady Lexi Caldwell from the United Kingdom." A girl who looked smug, and insanely pretty with wavy black hair and green eyes.

I bet around the world people's houses were exploding with cheers and celebration. People would be throwing parties and claiming their girls were already queen. But this house was deadly silent.

More names. Alexandra Roberts, New Zealand. Indiana Carrington, United Kingdom. Amelia Lockhart, Australia. Stella Woods, United Kingdom. Jade Claires, United Kingdom.
Pictures of stunning, princess worthy girls flashed across the screen.

Prince Thomas reached in deep for the next name in the jar and pulled it out from the bottom, "Lady Lola Wilson from Australia." A beautiful blonde girl's picture displayed up on the screen and I loved her mesmerizing blue eyes.

Another three girls, Ellie Golden, Yasmin Turner and Olive Adler were all from the UK.

Then I realized over half of the spots were already filled.

"Lady Freya James from Papua New Guinea." Prince Thomas said and I looked to the picture. Freya had stunning hair, ombré fading from brown to a dyed red-ish tone. She looked very pretty, but in a different sort of way.

"Lady Isabelle Davis from Australia."

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