thirty four

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It took a few days for Lorena to completely start feeling better and a week before Orion gave Max the clearance to let Lorena leave her room and go anywhere else other than the kitchen.

Today, she could hardly wait to leave the room and she bustled around rapidly, showering and picking out an outfit so she could finally get some fresh air.

She had already put a pair of jeans on and just as she was about to pull on a sweater, someone knocked on the door. Well, she knew by now that it was Orion from all of the times he came to visit her throughout the week. He had a very distinct knock.

"Come in."

Orion opened the door slightly and peeked through. "Is now a bad time?"

Lorena grinned and shook her head. "Not at all."

He smiled and entered the room. "Morning, sweetheart."

Lorena felt her heart flutter. She was in high spirits today and she loved when he called her that. It was just the icing on the cake in that moment.

She went over and hugged him and he chuckled, hugging her back and kissing her on top of her head. "Mmm...your hair smells like watermelon."

She nodded. "Max let me have a bottle of her shampoo that she never uses."

He pulled away from the hug and shut the door, leaning up against it. "I might have to get you a bottle of your own. You smell delicious."

She smirked. "Thank you, your Highness," she mocked playfully. She backed away and walked over to the vanity on the other side of the room, figuring out what to do with her hair. She looked in the mirror to see Orion standing at the door still, just watching her carefully.

"Did you need something, Mr. Alpha?"

Orion rolled his eyes lightheartedly and stood up, taking his weight off of the door. "Yes, actually. I wanted to ask if I could take you out for breakfast and then shopping. There are some clothes here, but I want you to be able to pick out your own. Plus, it will give us some time to just talk."

She nodded. "I would love to." She pulled her hair into a ponytail and turned around, grinning.

Orion nearly melted. She was so perfect and she was so his.

"Just give me a second to finish up and I'll be right out."

Orion nodded and placed a kiss right on her neck making Lorena blush. She watched him in the mirror as he exited the room and went back to making sure her hair was perfect and in place. Not too long later, there was another knock on the door.

Lorena rolled her eyes. She had been getting visitors nonstop since the accident, but she guessed that it was a good thing. It meant that these people cared. "Come in."

Lorena grinned when Max entered and she walked from the vanity over to her, hugging her. Max hugged back tightly and when they pulled away, went to throw herself down on the bed.

Since she had been bedridden, Max was her most frequent visitor. It was mainly to make sure she was taking her medication at first, but soon, Max just started coming around for the hell of it and they talked for hours. Seeing each other almost nonstop sparked what seemed to be a great friendship.

Max raised her eyebrows at Lorena and she sighed, knowing something was up. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Max shrugged. "Why is my best friend always leaving this room grinning like a Cheshire cat?" Lorena just shook her head and laughed in response.

Max crossed her arms and gasped. "No way. Have you guys been-?"

"No, we have not been having sex." She saw the unconvinced look on Max's face and gasped, slightly offended that her friend didn't believe her. "I'm telling the truth!"

"Mhm...that's why every time I come to check on you, you're glowing so radiantly and Orion's a little bit too happy."

Lorena shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you." She sat down next to Max on the bed and pulled her sneakers on, which she noticed were looking a little rough. Maybe Orion would get her some new ones today.

"Uh, maybe the truth? There's no way you two haven't done it yet."

Lorena laughed a bit, but then shrugged. "I swear we haven't. Things between us are just going very very well right now. I guess that accident brought us closer. Also I've been here for almost a month. I'm getting used to everyone and everything and I feel like some of the other pack members are warming up to me."

Max nodded. "That's great that you feel more comfortable. Maybe now you won't act out as much."

Lorena sighed and slapped her palms against her thighs, standing up. "Well, you know if I step too far out of line Orion will for sure let me know," she chuckled a little and so did Max. "Anyways, how are things with you?"

Max nodded and shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing much, really. Getting up to train with Orion everyday at four. Coming to take care of you...oh, and there might be a special someone..."

Lorena's eyes got wide and she squealed, grabbing Max's hand and quickly sitting back down. "Tell me who it is!"

Max blushed and rolled her eyes in faux annoyance. "Well, his name is Oliver and I guess you can say we're together, but not really. We've been talking about being exclusive for a long time, but we're still in a sort of open relationship."

Lorena narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Max laughed and shoved her arm.

"No need to be suspicious. We tell each other everything. Makes for some really competitive sex, too."

Lorena fake gagged. "Ugh. Did not need to hear all of that." Max shrugged. "Is he on Orion's squad team thingy?"

"His force. Orion's force. But no. He said that he didn't want to try for the team because he and Orion don't get along."

Lorena raised her eyebrows at that. "I have to meet him."

Max shook her head. "Not a good idea. Orion will lose it. He doesn't know that we are together, and I want to keep it that way. Which means Orion thinks he's single."

Lorena stared at her in confusion. Whatever Max was laying down, she was not picking it up.

Max groaned. "What's not clicking? If you even go near Oliver, I can almost guarantee you will never hear the end of it from Orion. They've had some serious beef since they were teens. Please don't stir the pot. I feel like you're the type to relish in drama."

Lorena gasped at the accusation, but really, Max wasn't completely wrong. "That's not fair. I don't do it on purpose. Only when I'm bored. There's almost nothing to do here."

Max shook her head. "Lorena, I'm serious."

The young she-wolf huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine. I'll try my very hardest not to start trouble. At least tell me what he looks like?"

Max stood up, forcing Lorena to let go of her. "Um, no. The less you know, the better. That way, you won't be tempted to rock the boat."

Lorena frowned and Max quickly made her way towards the door. "Have fun on your date!"

"How did you know I was-?"

Max grinned and slammed the door shut, leaving Lorena in a state of dangerous curiosity. Hopefully going out with Orion will make the feeling of boredom go away.

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