Doubting Me

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Tyler glanced at me and exhaled, "Listen we are on our way now. In the meantime, stop drinking whatever crap has made you lose your mind and try to think of a way to get Jace out of the cells. Don't do anything more stupid. See you soon."

Axel didn't say anything after that, and Tyler took it as a sign to end the call.

"Alright let's head to Blood Venom, since Victoria is tired, and she just got here, she can definitely stay here if she wants. She can choose to come with us Mase, but I think that given the situation, it is best if she stays here. Axel doesn't seem very fond of your relationship currently, so let's not do anything to provoke his stupid ass. Gwen, do you want to come with us or stay?" Tyler stated with an Alpha tone.

"I think I'll stay, I don't want to keep the kids alone, and I don't think it's a great idea for the kids to go all the way to Blood Venom during these times," she answered, "Should I pack you some snacks for the road?"

"No, sweetheart, we'll be okay," Tyler smiled and pecked his wife on the lips for a quick second, before glancing at me.

I was rooted in my spot, trying to understand everything that is happening. I didn't want to face Axel, but I knew that it had to be done. Maybe if we do this, and it ends with a rejection, I can get the closure I want. But, maybe he was saying the truth and he was never going to reject me in the first place, and we can figure out what to do about everything together.

"Come on, Cal, let's go. We should try to get there ASAP," Tyler grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the front door with Mason trailing closely behind. We got in the car and were in Blood Venom soon after.

When we got out of the car, a few guards surrounded us, thinking that we were intruders. I could see that they noticed me, but I tried not to look them in the eye, embarrassed about the events that had transpired about a week ago.

"Beta Mason, we are so glad that you are here. Alpha Axel has not been the same ever since the Trials and your leaving only made things worse. We have been waiting for your arrival. He should be in his office. Should we inform him that you are here?" one of the guards said.

"Thanks, Blake, and don't worry I already mind-liked him," Mason answered, as we walked past the guards deeper into Blood Venom territory. Following Mason like this gave me flashbacks of the first time I walked through the territory, not knowing that my mate was here.

I began walking past the two guards keeping my eyes on the ground, when I felt a hand clasp around my forearm. I quickly looked back at the guard who had gripped me.

"Luna Calista, we are happy you came back," he said to me.

I lost eye contact with him and said, "Thanks, but I am not your Luna," trying to keep my voice from wavering.

"Yes, you are. We all know that the Council played dirty. We are under your command with anything that you may need. Isn't that right, Dev?" Blake said addressing the other guard as well.

"Yes, Luna. You pledged loyalty to us last week, and we need you to know that you have our loyalty to you," guard number 2, whose name is Dev I'm assuming, answered, approaching me and shaking my hand.

"Thank you so much," I genuinely answered, not knowing how to react or what to say.

"Now go fix the mess our Alpha put himself in," the guard encouraged. I simply smiled and continued my path towards Axel's office.

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