Chapter 16 - Checking All The Right Boxes

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Chapter 16 - Checking All The Right Boxes

"Can I ask you for advice of a...personal nature? You're the only girl I know besides Kelly who's actually had experiences with another girl, like dating and...stuff."

Kala's eyes got big.

"I guess so."

We had intended to watch movies, but ended up just talking while some random show was playing on Kala's TV. We were clearly more interested in each other. I wanted to hear all about her classes at the college, what her plans were after her internship when she would probably transfer to a larger university, growing up in Hawaii, etc.

Kala wanted to hear all about my first week at school, I'm sure just to be polite. It's not as if that could be interesting to a college girl. Kala seemed especially interested in where I thought I would be going to college in the fall. She let me rant about Cindy and how we had more or less been ignoring each other. I wanted to complain about how many times I had to listen to guys talking about 'the new redhead with the tight ass,' but I had decided against asking Kelly if I could tell Kala about her. What I really needed tonight was dating advice.

"Don't look so worried! I don't plan on sleeping with her on the first date. Do you think I should bring her flowers?"

"I don't know. Keep in mind, my only real relationship was with Puanani. We met when I was in high school, and she was being homeschooled. We ended up just sort of hanging out and stuff, not really dating. We'd been together for quite a while before we got bold enough to go public and go on dates. By the time we bought flowers for each other it was just for birthdays and things like that."

"There are no stereotypes for lesbians!" I complained. "Guys are practically given a playbook for dating etiquette if they care to look into it. For two girls, there's precious little precedent."

"I guess you could consider if one girl is older," Kala postulated, "or maybe trying to win over a hesitant girl. That might mean she has the more masculine role."

"Eww! Do not describe my first date as having a 'masculine' role. I'm quite happy to be a girl going on a date with another girl, thank you very much."

Kala laughed at my reaction.

"Okay! Okay. Geesh. Are all lesbians that touchy about gender roles?"

"How should I know? Besides seeing girls call each other 'daddy' and discussing 'tops and bottoms' online, I never get the chance to pick the brain of another lesbian. I actually forgot you were bi until now. So, what's that like, anyway?"

"Being bi?" Kala said around a mouthful of popcorn.

"Yeah. I mean, I guess I must be really hardcore gay. I can't wrap my head around being sexually attracted to a guy at all."

"You must recognize when one guy is more attractive than others, right?"

"Not really," I admitted. "I can tell if a guy is fit or not, of course. I suppose that goes a long way to being attractive, but I honestly don't see the difference between Thor and Loki as far as sexual attractiveness goes."

"Analee, that doesn't mean you're hardcore gay. That means you're blind."

"They're both a flat zero for me on the hotness scale. The thought of touching a guy for more than a hug or a handshake is just..." I shuddered.

"Didn't you ever play house as a kid and have a pretend husband? What did you think he would look like?"

"Never. I always lived with a girl when we played grownups."

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