Chapter 30

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  Patrick was bleeding so much, and had to stop to seal the wound which could make him bleed to death. He tore a sleeve from his long shirt and tied it around his wound applying pressure. He heard gunshots as he was moving across the hall. He was in pain and struggling, but he had to keep on moving. He slouched to the window and couldn't believe his eyes. She had fallen to the ground, knees first, followed by the rest of her body. She collapsed face down with her pale skin shedding blood on the floor.

  "Stella!" He exclaimed.
  Doctor Steven was too far to hear him. The bastard had shot her. Patrick put his weight on his body and forced a run down the corridor. He was in so much pain, but not intense enough to stop the rush of adrenaline flowing through his veins.

  He was so close yet so far. There were patients all over the place. He made his way through them slowly trying to avoid eye contact. He was covered with blood and had taken his lab coat off so he won't be recognised easily. He stopped at another turn catching his breath and sucking in the pain. Looking through another window, he saw doctor Steven moving past Stella.

  "Oh no, Rachel!" He saw Rachel hiding behind a tree. Doctor Steven was out to get her. He has to stop him. He forced himself back up and hasted towards the exit, his forehead dripping sweat from the pain and blood shedding.

  A gunshot could be heard, followed by another, and then there were none. He paused before hitting the exit. He was afraid. He knew what was about to come. He was about to find both Stella and Rachel dead.

  Doctor Steven's voice roared into the air. Patrick bolted into the open garden through the doors of the asylum. He paused at the brutal sight he was witnessing. Three patients had made their way to doctor Steven, two of them had fallen victims of his gunshots. His blood was splashing everywhere as he was repeatedly being hit with a huge stone deforming whatever shape his face still had. Patrick ran towards Rachel avoiding the third patient, who was brutally tormenting doctor Steven's already dead body. He approached Rachel from behind and quickly clasped her mouth to stop her from screaming and drawing attention.

  "It is okay, it is me, Patrick. Do not scream, we are not alone." He slowly removed his hand from her face.

After being satisfied with the damage he had done, the patient stood and locked eyes with Rachel. His look was intense. One that left the hair on Patrick's back standing. They both paused anticipating what was about to come. The patient broke off the stare, and paced in the opposite direction leaving them both behind. Rachel sobbed into Patrick's chest trapping in the cries she was letting out.
  "Shhh, it is okay now, it will all be over soon, the police are on their way."
  "Stella?" She asked between sobs.
  "I am sorry," he replied.
  The sobs deepened as they sat their embracing each other and waiting for help to come.

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