Unknown Feelings Rage In The Storm_17: Hades

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"Pandeia!" I try one last time, but still she doesn't respond to me.
She left me no choice.
I enter the storm and the rain is slashing me. My wounds heal rather quickly, but the force is strong and I'm losing alot of blood. The wind is forcing me away from the centre, but that won't stop me. I needed to get to Pandeia.
I still haven't figured out what this feeling is that I have for her, but I needed to get to her.
After a brutal struggle, I finally made it to the middle where I find Pandeia crumbled up and crying. "Pandeia?" Her body stilled and her crying seems to have stopped when she heard my voice.
"Hades?" Her eyes are red from crying. She looked so fragile and hurt, all because of me. My chest feels heavy, like I can't breathe at all.
  She got angry, "What do you want!" She screams, but her voice was so scarred from all the screaming. She was shaking and her eyes scared me. The lord of the underworld was scared.
"I came..."
Why did I come to her? For her? Me? The safety of the realm?
"I came to say I'm sorry. I did not mean to say the things that you heard in the throne room." I try to go closer to her but she just retreats further back. "Then why did you say it, you obviously ment it since you never even want to see me!" She cast her eyes downward, she was speaking softer now. I could see the tears falling from her face. "I.. I don't know oky." I really didn't. "You don't even want me do you! You won't even look at me!" My body is beginning to shake from rage, maby something more I don't know. "That's not true, Pandeia. I... I like you okay!" I feel the storms calming down, her fragile body sits up to face me directly. I walk closer to her, she didn't retreat. I kneeled in front of her. "I... I was confused, about what I was feeling for you, I've never met you before besides on our wedding and it shook me. Your mesmerizing face and smile. I've never felt like this and it confuses me oky!" This time I was looking at the ground, I couldn't look at her as my body was shaking from my confession. The words just flew out of my mouth. Did what I say even make sense?
"You like me?" Her voice was fragile and so insecure.
"Yes, I do, otherwise I don't know what this feeling is." She was kneeling in front of me, her hand caress my face, my body hummed from her contact. My eyes was closed in content. She stayed silent for a while. I didn't know if it was good or bad. "Then let me in Hades, we'll figure this out together, just don't give up on us, this is new for me too." Before I could even open my eyes I felt her soft lips on mine, so gently. I pulled her closer to me and kissed her harder. She tried to pull me closer by gripping my hair. We moaned in delight, her kisses are ecstasy for me. I realized that I craved this, I craved her.

We break the kiss, we were both out of breath. "Oky, let's do this together, just be patient with me Pandeia, because I have no idea what I am doing." I rest my forehead on hers. I could feel her smile. "Pinky Promise?" She helds out her pinky and I take it,silly girl. "Pinky promise." Her eyes light up and her smile reached her ears if it could. This was what I wanted to see, only her smile. "Then let's start by having breakfast together every morning oky?"
"O.. Oky." I stutter. Since when do I stutter?

The storms are now completely gone.
She smiles sheepishly. "Sorry about the storms and all." I just hug her, feeling her beside me calms me alot. I never wanted to let her go. "It's oky, shall we go to the castle now?" Before she could answer she passes out. "Pandeia?" I shake her a little bit too see if she will regain consciousness. "Dammit." I teleport her to the infirmary. "Lord Hades, what can I do for you?" This is Mage Mafisto, he has purple long hair that reached the floor, light green eyes. He is dressed in a dark blue robe. "She just passes out. Can you help her?" I place her on the bed and he begins to inspect her. I had to keep myself from screaming at him to hurry the hell up! "Interesting." He mumbles and keeps examining her. "Could you just tell me what is wrong!" He was taking too long for my patience. "It's just a power exhaustion. Her powers seems to be strongly connected to her emotions. The stronger the emotion the stonger her powers and depend on the emotion, she can either control it or it will get out of hand. That is what I assume happened with the storms and all." Alright that makes sense, it's really interesting. "Will she be oky?" Please be oky!
"Yes,I'll just give her a healing potion and she should be up and running by tomorrow. I'll let you know when she wakes up." He gets the medicine ready.
"No that won't be necessary, I'll be waiting here." I will not leave her, not after today. "My my, how the king of darkness has changed." He gives a playful smirk.
"Stop your rambling Mafisto!" He shuts up and get back to work. "That should do the trick, I'll check up on her in a few hours." He leaves me in the room, it's now just me and Pandeia. I take my time to admire her, her white hair is truly beautiful, so smooth and soft. Why didn't I see it before? I just want to see her purple violet eyes, those beautiful eyes. I knew that I wanted to make this relationship work and I was going to do anything in my power to succeed.

A knock on the door interrupted my taughts. "Yes?" Thanatos enters the room. "I heard what happened, is she oky?" He takes a seat next to me. He was clearly very worred aboud Pandeia by the look on his face. "Yeah she should be all better by tomorrow." We stay in silence for a while, observing Pandeia. "You love her, don't you? " His statement shocked me. "I wouldn't go that far." Or I am already?
"You can deny it, but I know that look. You'll realize it soon enough." He was just talking nonsense. Scratching at the door caught our attention. "Must be Midnight." That dahm catsie is so attached to Pandeia. Where she is you know that Midnight is not far behind and she is very protective over Pandeia. How Pandeia tamed him I have no idea, she has this way with the underworld creatures. It amazes me, I know there is alot of gossip about her going around in the underworld. All good, but it makes me proud to know that they have accepted het. I barely even opened the door when Midnight dashed over to Pandeia and made itself comfortable next to her legs. "Thanatos, I need you to do something for me." I really hope she will love it and that this is not a stupid idea. "Alright, let's hear it loverboy." He was clearly enjoying my current situation.
"Call me that again and I'll lock you up with Cerberus." That shut him real quick.


I do enjoy writing this story!
Hades finally realized his feelings, in a way. ☺️☺️
And do enjoy above all else!

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