Chapter 23

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"Darn it." Brian cursed, punching the wall as Lydie continued to dial Fuze's number with a worried expression, "so Adrienne was right - I should really keep an eye out on both of you... I'm sorry Adrienne." The laboratory door burst open and the said female Adrienne Le Blank dashed in, green eyes behind glasses arose in panic. "Fuze Nethercott?!?! Is Fuze Nethercott here?!" She shouted shakily, eyes darting around like an injured prey looking for a predator.

Brian and Lydie shared a look before the head scientist shook her head. "Damn." Adrienne cursed while gritting her teeth, "I thought I told you to keep an eye out on him Brian." The blonde closed his eyes, muttering an apology. Before Adrienne can hit Brian repeatedly with her weak punches, loud seething was triggered.

Everyone looked at each other with a tense expression, everyone's ears ringing from the unholy shrieking of the sirens. Brian, Adrienne and Lydie shared a restless look. Those were emergency alarms. No matter what you're doing, you must meet Mr. Häyhä in the central assembly hall within five minutes.

And so, everyone dashed out of the laboratory in the south wing and headed north; towards the central wing. People shot each other nods and looks of acknowledgement as they rush past each other before finally stopping in the central hall, waiting for the boss to come.

Brian scanned everyone in the hall for his close acquaintances; a restless Lydie and Adrienne beside him, a half-asleep Akamai and Rin, a curious Ma171, a stoical Threatening and...... Brian widened his eyes the slightest at the sight of Folisha with an evident rope scar on her neck, scowling. "Hey are you alright Folisha?" Brian asked, "you should rest."

The pastel pink haired spy's tired frowning face immediately disappeared and was replaced with an euphoric smile as she turned to Brian with a furious blush. "Brian cares abo—?! A-Ah Brian~! Aha don't worry about me, I may be a blind bat but I'm strong! I don't have to rest. I'm so sorry for worrying you!" She chirped.

"Greetings everyone. I believe we have quite the emergency today."

Mr. Häyhä's flat robotic voice with a slight Finnish lilt echoed through the assembly hall and everyone went quiet, not daring to speak. The tall blonde smirked as he strolled into front of his army of agents, assassins, hackers and spies alike. "Where's Gaela Itenokami?" The man asked the crowd. An unnerving chill ran down Brian's spine as the powerful man's cold brown eyes gazed into his. "Cadet Gaela Itenokami is currently in St. Peter's University sir!" Ma171 piped up, "she's in dorm eight hundred and eight, setting up wiretaps and cameras." "Give her the emergency signal. I want my gem here." "Of course sir."

Mr. Häyhä scowled, looking down at his group of followers not hiding his distaste. "When will you all prove yourselves worthy?" He growled, "without Gaela Itenokami, you're all worthless. The paradise we all yearn for isn't going to appear out of nowhere. You're all garbage. Trash. At least be more like Ma171, Lydie Wang or most importantly the wonderful Gaela Itenokami and prove yourselves useful." Dead silence. No one dared to talk back to their boss. "What's more is th—"

"Shut the f*ck up Cillian." Someone finally shouted. Everyone went quiet. Brian widened his eyes a bit. Whoever talked back have guts. There's only one person in this agency who dares to call Mr. Häyhä by his first name. "Shut the f*ck up Cillian." Rin Shiota repeated, her blazing radioactive blue eyes widening in fury as her side ponytail swayed to the side, "we aren't all total robotic obedient dogs like Gaela and Maili. You should stop treating them like things Cillian, f*ck off. Show some respect to my friends and comrades you ungrateful xитровыебанный."

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