Never Thought

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After eating breakfast the three sits in the garden looking at the lotus pond under the huge tree.

Charles likes this place. The original and him. This place gives them a sense of peace.

"What happened to you, I already talk about with Sandro."

Charles flinches because a faint image of Sandro's glare and cold shoulder flash in his head.
It seems the original Charles left him some memory to help him.

Sandro is the Hanperson's Eldest son and successor. In short, his eldest brother.
They are not close.
Original Charles hates Sandro and it seems Sandro feel the same.
But the new Charles is not as close minded as the original. Sandro might hate him(the original) but it might also because of his narrow mindedness. Sandro is the heir. He is under alot of pressure. If he find this youngest brother fooling around and being so laid back, ofcourse he might not help but to despised him, right?

'Let's not be narrow minded and let this older brother rest a bit easier. He always wore that frowning face that he looks older than Dad here.'

"What about Eldest Brother?"

Lorenzo paused.
'Eldest Brother'.
Its been along time since Lorenzo heard this address. Even though Charles calls Sandro Eldest Brother its always been to spite or demean Sandro. Lorenzo is well aware that Charles hated his Eldest brother that is why he allowed this youngest son to live away from the main house.
Now that he is married he suddenly become more mature.

Lorenzo looks at the quiet Julius.
Julius straighten up his sitting posture.
The one infront of him is the Prime Minister. A respectable man.
Sides...he is...his Father in Law.
Julius face reddened.

"Hus--Wife, did you catch a fever? Your face is red." Charles panics and feel his forehead.
Julius reddened even more. He glares at Charles and slaps his hand.

"Dont touch me!" He angrily said.

"Ow..If you are okay then its fine. But if you are not, I will not tolerate it." Charles laid back expression sharpen as he glares at Julius.

Julius heart beats so fast and he feel overwhelm with the heat is body is radiating.
He looks away.
'What do you mean? This is my body, not yours.' Julius angrily glare back at Charles.

Charles who is so worried he grabs Julius hand and pull him to his body. Hugging his waist.

"I just want to make sure you are okay. Do you want me to call a doctor?" Charles says softly as he can as if he is comforting a child.

Julius head is already spinning.
He wants to push him or pull away but the strong arm around his waist is so comforting, so stren and strong.

He feels like melting.

"I..m fine." He said as if his voice is breaking. He looks away still red from neck to forehead.

Lorenzo coughs.
He is glaring at Charles.
'Surely, this man never grows up. Even seducing a man in his presence now. He can never be so bold!"

"Father, can you call a palace doctor? What if my Julius is sick?" Charles is still scared. His hold toward Julius tighten.
The latter lean to him and his head already resting to his chest. Julius thinks he might be really crazy. Cause even though he wish to run so far away, he is still feeling comfortable to this broad and hard chest.

Lorenzo's face darken.

"Stop flirting in front of me!" He angrily said.

Julius regains his sanity and he pushes Charles.
Charles caught off guard from the push because he got startled by his father's shout.
Julius face flush again. He looks at Charles with undescribable emotion then run away. He even forgot to salute his father in law. Someone who is well aware of manners like Julius never made this kind of mistake before.

"Julius!" Charles wants to make sure he is fine and want to rush to stop him but his father stops him.
Grab his hand and pull him.

"Are you trying to execute him? Cant you tell how embarrassed he was feeling?" Lorenzo said knocking Charles head.

Charles says a low 'Ow' and rub his hurt head.

"Embarrassed? Why?"

".....You plainly flirt like that and already let go of your shame! Tell me where you left it so I can retrieve it for you!" Lorenzo said clenching his hand into a fist.

Charles hide his head with his two hand and bow a little trying to evade the upcoming fist.

Lorenzo let go and sigh.

"Do you really love that man? Dont you just use him to make the second prince regret not choosing you?"

Charles is startled.
Somehow, there is that memory. A handsome man who is also comparable in beauty. He is the second prince and also Charles secret lover.
But that is the original Charles. Sides, the second prince betrays the original Charles.
Charles look at his father. This father is nice. Even though he is homosexual. He did get mad but he still supports him in the end and didnt hate seeing him. He even visits him and talks to his man.
Not like his original parents who cares about image than his own feelings.

Charles hugs Lorenzo.

Lorenzo take a breath in shock.
The intimate way of calling him Dad is unfair. When did this son learn how to act so adorable?
He hesitate at first but in the end he hugs him back. Not sure why they are hugging suddenly.

"Um..Dad, I love Julius." Charles scratches his head a bit ashamed that he suddenly hugging his Dad like a child and also very happy that he is not push away.

"Hm..." Lorenzo nods and also a bit shy and awkward.

"I just want to ask Dad. If a man married as a daughter in a family divorced. Can they still take the national exam?"

"Hmm..If there is a letter of introduction from higher official and the applicant is not 30 and above."

"Oh!" Charles smiles but then sadly look down. "I see."

"What is wrong?" Lorenzo knit a brow sewing this crestfallen face of him.

"You are aware how I married Julius, right?"

"Hm. That's why I beat you up."

"Hmm..Dad, I am sure how I feel for him. But...Julius might not love me."

"You can only work hard to earn his trust. The way you force him into this marriage is wrong and you can only repent. Slowly, he might like you back."

"But time will not be brought back if I still failed to hold his heart. Dad, I am decided."

"Ill listen."

"If in 2 years time and I never move his heart. Can you write a letter of recommendation for Julius?"

"You will divorce him?" Lorenzo's face shows how shock he was.

"No. I will let him divorce me. Its shameful to be the receiving end of the divorce. I can handle that shame but Julius, I dont want him to be inflicted."

"....I never knew you like him this much."

"Im also shock." Charles smile.
Maybe its because he is beautiful. Maybe because they are married.
Charles cant help but to offer all he can offer in the world to him.


Need to sleep but my mind is wide awake so I made this chap.
Now, Ill sleep!

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