Chapter 19 - Oh Fang Marks...

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I woke up with a loud gasp for air as if I was underwater. Was it a dream? Surely it can't have been real. I looked around my bedroom, to see that Rebecca was not here. I looked at myself, seeing that I was still wearing the party clothes. I looked at my right wrist...

Oh my god. Is this still a fucked up dream? I quickly took off the blanket and quickly ran to the built in bathroom. "Amelia?" I heard my sister call me. I ignored her as I looked at the mirror above the sink. I wasn't living in a dream after all. I just stood there in shock, staring at the side of my neck. My neck wasn't bruised, it was just two visible fang marks. I watched Grace walk in, before she started to smile. 

I quickly turned to give her a stare. "This is NOTHING to be smiling about, Grace!" I then shouted at her in pure anger. I am angry at myself. I am also angry at vampires. I want to kill every single one of them. 

I then pushed Grace out of the way before I put on some newly bought black trainers. I need to get this anger out of my system. I then stormed out of the room before I ran downstairs and out of the crazy mansion, ignoring everyone in my sight, including Kim and Rebecca. I don't care what my 'mistress' does to me next. I then ran across the quiet road and into the forest. Yep, that's right, I am doing a runner. 

I am heading towards my own personal gym, I knew the shortcuts. A few minutes later, I arrived at my gym. I closed the door shut before turning the lock on it. I then walked over to the power switch and turned that on. The ceiling lights immediately turned on after half a second. It was all automatic, you see. The walls were still bare, no use in painting it. 

I walked over to my worn out boxing gloves which were on the floor and took off my jacket, revealing my grey top. I took a deep breath to calm myself before I put the gloves on.  I then started to punch the dangling black boxing bag. 

A hour into punching my anger away, I started to get sweaty. I can't stop thinking about Rebecca. What she did to me and what Kim did to my sister. My hair was now sticking onto my face as I continued to punch it. 

Then, the power got cut. I was now in complete darkness as I was punching the bag. Then, the bag ripped itself apart from my strength. I pulled the gloves off before throwing it against the wall. I then walked over to the power switch again, turning the lights on once again. 

"Wow, I never knew you would be such a good boxer." Her voice spoke, making me turn around. She was standing in front of the collapsed bag. 

I gave her a death stare before I looked over to the mirror, widening my eyes at it. I can see my own reflection...but vampire-like. She has got red, gorgeous ruby eyes that pulls you in.  I quickly looked away from it to look at Rebecca, who was now standing in front of me. 

"Why is my reflection a monster?" I asked Rebecca.  

I then got pinned against the wall by her. Ouch. 

"That is not a word that you should use around me. Our species are not monsters." she told me in a sharp tone before I freed my left arm and slapped her across the face hard enough to leave a mark. 

"EXPLAIN TO ME, WHY IS MY REFLECTION A MONSTER LIKE YOU!" I raised my voice at her before her eyes turned into a crimson red. 


Then, my back hit against the wall as I was roughly pinned against the hard stone floor. I kneed her in the stomach, making her release me. I moved into a crawling position as I started to crawl away. 

"That isn't nice." I heard her say before she was in front of me again. I then tried to get up but I couldn't. My back is in pain from that tackle. 

"Stand up." Rebecca ordered me before I did so. "The blood moon is going to be here in four days." I told her, "I know. Are you done?" she then replied as a question before I nodded, admitting defeat. I licked my lips, before tasting my own blood on my bottom lip. Disgusting.

"I know what you need." she said to me. I then started to feel dizzy. 

"Why don't you tell me then?" I asked her before I looked up at her. She then leaned down before she placed her tongue against the cut on my lip. I was expecting for it to sting, but it didn't. Then, her full lips pressed against mine. 

I felt my body start to fall down and down....before I finally passed out.  

// For @Snowee28. 

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