𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼

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"So a new sensei and a replacement for you?" Tobi said.

"Correct." Naruto answered with his mask still on. "On top of that, Sasori is dead. I heard Sasuke and the others talking about it when they came back."

Tobi just sighed, not at all surprised at the situation.

"And Deidara?"

"I don't know about that idiot's fate yet, but there is a good chance he might've gotten away from them." Naruto answered.

"Well at least we got the One-Tails.." Tobi responded.

"Yeah, but on top of that The Kazekage is alive." Naruto said

"How? Deidara and Sasori said they captured him! If a tailed beast is extracted from the jinchrūiki the host dies!"

"Well it seems one of people who were with Sasuke and the rest had probably used the reanimation jutsu but died afterwards." Naruto responded.

Tobi didn't pay much attention to the whole thing about Gaara being resurrected because either way they're getting closer to their master plan.

"Whatever, I'm gonna have Hidan and Kakuzu take care of the Two-Tails, if that greedy money loving Kakuzu is up for it." Tobi said.

"All right, cool. Hope all goes well for them." Naruto responded. "But still what is this master plan you've been going on and on about?" He asked.

"Like I said before, don't worry about it." He said.

Naruto sighed in annoyance, he always wondered the hell the master plan could be but every time he asked, he was left out.

"Whatever but I was thinking," Naruto said. "About the sharingans.."

"What about them?" Tobi said.

"I thought about it on my way back, and I was thinking that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have some." He said and Tobi walked away but soon came back with a jar in his hands.

"Remember this... I hope you're not just wanting these eyes to look cool... these eyes allow you to see the chakra flow in a person's body.." Tobi said handing him the jar.

"Nice... so should we start now?" Naruto asked.

"Unfortunately not." Tobi responded. "I gotta head to where Deidara had his battle with the leaf, if you want them in so badly I suggest going back to the Leaf and find a medic who is well trained."

Naruto sighed in annoyance. "So I gotta go all the way back over there?" He grumbled.

Before he could say anything Tobi had disappeared in a swirling vortex, leaving the blond in the cave alone.

"So even after our talk you still want those eyes? You really are a little brat kid."

"Yeah whatever, but I guess I'm gonna have to go back to Konoha to get them implanted. Dammit Tobi.." He grumbled.

"Why not ask anyone else in the akatsuki?"

"Because they probably would disagree, especially Pain.." Naruto said as he walked off and jumped from tree to tree to make it to Konoha.

"Well kid, know anyone from Konoha who could do it for you?"

"Tsunade is the hokage and therefore I don't think she would be willing to talk. Sakura probably still hasn't changed so I got a feeling if I were to threaten her she wouldn't go down without a fight or she would either run and warn the hokage."

"So that leaves us with??"

"Shizune, Tsunade's apprentice... I'm still surprised no one has eaten that pig of hers yet."

"Well what are you waiting for? Let's get there quick before it's too late."

Sasuke's POV

Sasuke was currently sitting on a tree by the training ground. It's been a few hours since Sakura had confessed to him.

Did he regret rejecting her? Well to be completely honest not really.

Throughout the years he still hasn't changed, he was still quiet and was annoyed by pretty much everything to this day, but he couldn't lie sometimes his comrades would put a smile on his face.

But through the years he couldn't help but miss Naruto every time him and Team 7 would go out on missions.

'Naruto... if you were still here... what would you have done when we were fighting those two akatsuki people?' The boy thought.

He was soon snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a soft angelic voice.

"S- Sasuke.." He heard the girl and he looked down to see a long dark haired Hyuuga.

"Oh, it's just you Hinata, what is it?" He asked.

"W- Well.... Tsunade-sama h- has summoned y-you.." She stuttered much to his annoyance.

'Jeez... now?' He thought.

"All right, tell her I'll be there.." He said as Hinata walked away but he called her name again and she turned around.

"Be safe.." He said as he got off the tree.

"You're a- actually... w- worrying about m- me?" She stuttered.

"Well I have no choice considering the Akatsuki had finally made their move when they stole the One-Tails from Gaara.." Sasuke said.

"Y- Your brother... he- he's apart of the Akatsuki.. right?" She asked and Sasuke just stared at the ground.

He still intends to have his way with Itachi, throughout the years, any enemy he came across he pictured them as his older brother.

He still continues to promise himself he will kill Itachi. "That's right.." Sasuke said.

Hinata couldn't help but feel bad for the Uchiha. To have your entire clan slaughtered by none other than your brother... she felt horrible just thinking about it.

"W- well... I- I'll be s- seeing y- you some other time... S- Sasuke-kun.." She said walking off.

"Yeah.. back at you.." He muttered before walking off in the direction of the Hokage tower as sunset approaches.

Merry Christmas Eve ! I didn't know what to title this so I just left it as 'Chpater 6.' Maybe you all can give it a title name ? But anyway, tomorrow I will have maybe two chapters for you, but other than that I hope you all have a good night and see you all tomorrow morning during Christmas !

𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝  𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍  𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑  𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚍 (Naruto) [Read Desc plz] Where stories live. Discover now