Maybe in another life

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Saiki's perspective

She's gone...she's really gone..Teruhashi hurt her. Teruhashi's boys killed her.
How could I let this happen? How could I have been so blind?
"I broke our promise. I wasn't able to stay by your side. Bye Strawberry."
Her last words keep replaying in my mind. I can't stop looking at her dull eyes that used to sparkle in the light. I can never hear her laugh again. I can never see her smile. I can never hold her. I can never feel her warmth. Why did you have to leave me?

♤time skip♤

It's been 5 years since Y/n died. Teruhashi didnt go to jail, nor did those sons of bitches who dragged her into the ocean. I don't go to the beach anymore, I can't stand the smell of the salty sea. It reminds me to much of how she smelt like after I brought her up from the water. No one talks to me anymore. I think they sense I'm mad, scratch that I know they stay away from me because of my temper. I can't deal with annoying people. Y/n gave me hope that things would get better, but now she's gone.
Sometimes I see her in my dreams. I can hear her calling me to the sea. She says it wasnt that bad, that I shouldn't be mad, she says it's not my fault, but I know she's lying.
Still I can't help but think she's right.
"Kusuo please move on. I showed you what love can feel like. Now it's your job to give that to someone else."
"I'm scared. I dont want you to leave me."
"I won't. I'll stay by your side for as long as you need me to. Maybe I'll see you in another life. Goodbye Kusuo Saiki, my little Strawberry."
As her body begins to turn to dust and flys into the wind, she holds my head in her hands and kisses me. A kiss full of love and adoration. A kiss saying she won't ever leave me. No matter what. Goodbye Y/n, my love.

So that's that. My first book comes to an end. I hope you all enjoyed it and sorry for the crappy ending (I didnt really know what should have happened but this seemed alright).
If you'd like to see more of my stuff I'm writing a Jumin Han x Reader book called 'Can you be my cherry?' Thank you for reading my book and being so invested in a trashy plot, bye guys. ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

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