Chapter 8

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Miles' POV

The date went great, even after I was stupid and brought up his family. Sure it's a normal to talk about your family on a date, but I was shocked at his story. He seems so strong, even after going through such a traumatic experience.

I went through a similar experience when I was younger, losing my best friend, my protector. The bullying got too rough and he was stabbed right in front of me. I was stabbed too, but unlike my best friend, Ryan, I made it out alive.

Him dying is probably the reason I speak my mind so much and act strong, he used to do those things. He wouldn't be afraid, even if he was in danger, so now I never back down. I feel like I would dishonor his legacy if I cower away at every bully I come across like I used to.

The situation I was put in as a child was a difficult one, fight or flight. Choosing to stand by my best friend was a decision I do not regret.

Focusing on how the date went, while Calvin is driving to a surprise location, I realize that it went pretty epically. I made up with Jessica, she said sorry and that she hoped we could be friends, so of course, being the nice guy that I am, I told her she would have to work for my friendship. She laughed and so did I, immediately becoming friends.

When Calvin broke down, I felt that in my heart, I needed to comfort him. I needed to make him feel better. I don't know how to comfort someone, but when Calvin looked up at me with his watery eyes, I knew he was going to be okay.

Arriving at our destination, I try to look up at the sign that's on the building. Calvin yells quickly, "Close your eyes!"

Following his orders, I close my eyes and wait for him to get me out of the car.

He opens my door like the gentleman he is, and grabs my hand, leading the way to the door.

Walking in, I hear loud music. Behind my eyelids, I see strobe lights making my vision lighter then darker quickly. He finally says, "Open your eyes," as he squeezes my hand tightly. I open my eyes to see we are in a skating rink!

Skating is a death trap. I've heard horror stories of how people have broken legs and arms skating, and I'm not afraid to say that I'm terrified of it.

I look at Calvin's cute face, alight with excitement, and decide to put my fear aside for him. "I've never skated before, you're going to have to teach me," I let him know. Pulling me along to the booth where you get your shoes, he informs me why we came here.

"I used to bring Jason here every weekend after my parents and sister died. This was my sisters favorite place, therefore Jason loved it too. I wanted to share this place with you."

That's literally so sweet. I look up at him in shock, surprised that he is sharing this with me. I want to show him my gratitude. Doing just that, I lean in slowly. I look at his lips and make my decision. I'm going to kiss him. My first kiss.

Calvin starts leaning in too, his eyes fluttering between my lips and eyes. I can feel his hot breath on my face, him leaning down while I'm on my tippy toes.

When our lips collide, I am amazed. Even though it's cliche, I felt sparks fly. Sparks radiate from our lips, covering my whole body. I fall limp, the kiss shocking me so much. Calvin quickly wraps his arm around my waist to keep me standing.

I have no idea how to kiss so when he starts moving his lips, I panic. I pull away, looking at his flushed face, breathless.

We are just staring at each other, just enjoying the moment we just shared, when I hear, "Excuse me, this is where you get your skates. What size do you need?"

Bashfully telling him my size, I think about what just happened. I just kissed Calvin! On our first date! Why do I feel such a strong connection to him? I've never been attracted to anyone before, and here he comes, looking like a god.

We get our skates and we put them on. Jason and Jessica are already skating. I found that out when Jason yelled as he skated past us, "Hurry up, slow asses!"

Tying the laces, it's finally time to stand up in these death traps. Calvin, seeing my unsure face, grabs my hand and hoists me up. I gasp in surprise and almost land on my ass. Calvin holds me up, and I'm thankful. He grins slyly at me. I knew he did that on purpose!

He holds both my hands as he skates backwards, towards the skating rink. He rolls onto the floor, while I ungracefully step up and almost fall. He laughs, a beautiful sound. I could listen to that all day.

He continues to skate backwards while dragging me along. I don't have to move my feet, he is doing all the work for me. Feeling confident in my skills, still standing by the railing in case this goes south, I let go of one hand. He comes to my side and skates along with me.

I'm doing it! I knew if a child can do this, so can I.

"Your a natural, rabbit," Calvin smirks at me, proud of the nickname.

"Rabbits have no idea how to skate, just like me," I say randomly. What? They don't.

"Technically, you're not wrong," he laughs, and soon I burst into laughter as he falls directly on his butt.

"Hey, you distracted me by being so cute! How dare you!" He pouts at me as I give him a hand to get up.

We continue skating, occasionally passing Jason and Jessica, starting up small conversations.

The date came to an end, us giving our skates back to the guy at the booth, who gives us a smirk. I think I hear the man say, "I ship it," but I'm not sure.

Calvin drives me back home after we say a quick goodbye to Jason and Jessica. Jessica hugs me like we've been friends forever.

Arriving at home, I look in the driveway and see something I wasn't expecting.

My parents are home.

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