Chapter 4 "The Werewolf Side"

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°°° JACKSON P.O.V °°°

I sat in the car with only one thing in my mind, Stephen. My wolf was yelling at me to jump him the whole time I was with him. I never thought I would find my mate, but here I am threatening him to go to my house everyday.

Oh well, at least he's coming to my house that way I can fulfill my plan of him being with me.

As of now you have probably guessed it but if you didn't get it then I'll tell you straight up, I'm a werewolf and always have been. I don't live with my pack anymore but still see them around sometimes, I just wanted to be alone for while so I moved here and been here for about 4 months now.

I got out of my car and went up to the house wanting to take my head off of Stephen before my wolf goes crazy and runs to the city and fucks the shit out of him.

I walk to my office where there was a desk in the middle, bookshelf to the side with barely any books, might I add, and a glass table. There are big black fur sofas in front of the desk, then there was a balcony behind the desk. I walked to the balcony letting the wind hit my face. My office was in the third floor of my big mansion I owned which made the wind up here feel more cold.

I had everything planned for tomorrow and if I could, and can, I will say I'm pretty proud of myself.

'So will we be able to fuck him tomorrow?' I heard my wolf ask; I rolled my eyes at his question.

"No, that's not how it works with humans" I said to my wolf trying to get him to understand.

'Why not just fuck and bam your both together'

I chuckle "If you do that to a human you could get charged for rape, besides humans like to take relationships slow" I explain to him.

I could hear him sigh in frustration 'humans are so confusing but okay fine, I'll try to calm down but I won't promise not to make a move or two'

"Alright that's fine just make sure their small moves" I tell him, and that was the end of our conversation. I walked off to my room where I take a shower and go to my king sized bed falling asleep.


I wake up with my alarm sounding. I growl but sit up turning the shit off. I walk to the bathroom taking off my boxers and getting inside my shower, that's when I remembered I didn't tell Stephen what time he had to come.


I turned off the shower wrapping a towel around my waist, I walk to my closet putting on a black suit with a red tie like I always do since I'm always in my office working and if I need to run out for a job I can just go.

I called my butler over telling him to get me Stephen's phone number. He nods and walks off as I go to my office to start work off on some of my papers and files that need organizing for the day.

After a few minutes my butler comes in and hands me Stephen's phone number. I smirk and get my phone, quickly dialing his number.

At the first ring I hear someone pick up.

"Hewo!" The high pitched voice says. I know my butler did not give me the wrong phone number so who the fuck is on the phone. Just the thought of him having someone else pissed me off. He should not be seeing or having anyone, I also hope he's a virgin!

"Hello, who is this?" I say as calmly as I could with no malice or anger dripping out.

"Riley!" The little girl says on the phone, I chuckle as I calm down knowing he didn't have anybody like that.

"Oh, hello Riley, is your brother there?" I ask her.

"Yesh but he's sleepwing " she says quietly and cutely.

"Do you think you could wake him up for me?" I ask nicely. It takes her a moment as if she's thinking about what to say but soon I hear her voice again.

"Okie! I'll be right back"  she says, I hear rumbling as she put the phone down. I could also tell she was getting on a bed from the squeaking sounds in the background.

"Stephie" I heard her say followed by a tapping sound or more like slapping.

"Stephie!" Another slapping sound, just louder.

"Stephieee!!!" I hear a slapping but this time it did not sound pleasant. I hear more rumbling and someone whining, obviously Stephen.

"What is it Riri?" I hear him say with his morning voice, which I have to say is quite sexy and hot as well.

"A nice man on the phone wants to talk to you!"

"A nice man? Gimme the phone"

I held back a chuckle as I hear Riley pass the phone to Stephen.

"Hello?" I hear Stephen groggy voice say through the phone.

"Hello Stephen" I say to him, I could hear a gasp and some rumbling before he talks again.

"Jackson? How the hell did you get my number?!"

"I'm rich remember? I can get anything, anyway I was calling you to tell you what time you should come?" I told him.

Its silent for while.

"I could come tonight after Riley's dance practice since I don't have work after " he says.

"Alright so tonight it is" I replied.

"Okay see you then"

"Ill see you then, have a good day Stephen" I say, I could hear him fidget.

"Yeah, you too" he says. 

Then we hang up.

That was nice and now I want it to be tonight already, I wanna see his blue innocent eyes again.

This was gonna be hard day!

A/N : HEY GUYS, sorry it's late but hey there! Next chap is coming up real soon I promise!!

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