Chapter 8

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Sunday was only two days away, but to Jennie it felt like forever. She'd spent all Saturday night badgering Rosé and Jisoo with questions. They were happy for Jennie, and a little bit smug that she was going on a real date with Lisa.

Lisa had to go into the office to finish up some work, so Jennie told her she'd meet her there. It was just after four o'clock when Jennie entered L-Corp. The girl at the receptionist's desk looked up as Jennie walked towards her. "Miss Kim?" she queried, continuing when Jennie nodded. "Miss Manoban has instructed us to let you straight up, her office is on the top floor."

Once Jennie made it to the top floor, she stepped out into a small waiting room. The receptionist behind this desk looked up too, "Miss Kim?" she asked. Jennie smiled and walked over. The woman got up, "This way please." She led Jennie down the hallway, opening the door at the end.

"Miss Kim is here to see you, ma'am," the woman said, opening the door wider for Jennie to step inside Lisa's office. She was sat behind her desk, her fingers pressed to her temples as she stared at her computer screen. She looked up at Jennie when she walked in, a wide smile spreading across her face. Jennie was glad to see Lisa had taken her advice and dressed casually for their date.

"Thank you, that'll be all," Lisa directed towards her assistant, as she walked around her desk. Jennie held out the bouquet of flowers she was carrying, smiling at Lisa.

"Plumerias!" Lisa exclaimed, as she took the flowers, "these are pretty rare, thank you!" She set them down on her desk as Jennie scribbled on the whiteboard.

'I didn't want to get you ordinary flowers when you're anything but ordinary'

Lisa blushed, smiling widely as she ducked her head down shyly. Jennie gestured towards the door, eager for them to start their date. Lisa looked like she'd been having a stressful day at work until Jennie had shown up. Also, seeing as she was at the office on a Sunday, Jennie figured that Lisa worked too much.

"Let me just get my coat and bag," Lisa said, walking over to a built in cupboard. She slipped her coat on, sliding her handbag onto her shoulder. Pulling the door open, she gestured for Jennie to go first, following behind her.

"I'm heading off now Jess, I'll see you tomorrow, have a good night," Lisa said as they swept past the receptionist, and got into the elevator. They were silent the entire ride down, sneaking glances at each other and smiling sheepishly when they caught each other. Jennie's fingers were itching to reach out and take Lisa's hand. They stepped out of the elevator, Lisa waving goodbye to the staff at the front desk as they walked to the entrance.

Once outside, Jennie pointed in the direction they were headed. She felt relieved that things with Lisa were going smoothly so far, she'd been worried that there might've been some awkwardness about the kiss the other night. Feeling brave, Jennie laced her fingers with Lisa's, causing Lisa took look up at her in surprise, her lips quirking up into a small smile.


Jennie stopped outside an arcade, the windows plastered with posters for games such as bowling, air hockey and laser tag. She faced Lisa, her eyebrows raised and her hands spread in a 'what do you think' gesture. Lisa laughed, "you did say it was going to be cheesy and cliché, but it's perfect."

They wandered inside, and Jennie immediately dragged Lisa over to the bowling alley. Trading in their shoes for some bowling ones, they made their way over to their lane.

"I've never been bowling before," Lisa confessed, as she picked up a ball and weighed it. Jennie looked shocked, what kind of person had never been bowling before? Lisa picked up on Jennie's surprise. "Yeah I know right, my family was more of a golfing or show jumping kind of family."

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