Chapter 2: Fate

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I'm so tired....

Jin Guang Yao laid down on the plank in his bedroom.

That old lady made me collect all those potatoes and yams, i have no strength left to do anything else.

"Ah Ming!"

His mother called him. Jin Guang Yao sighed deeply and hesitantly walked to the kitchen. "What is it mother?" He asked, leaning against the door.

"Come help me fan the flames," she passed a leaf fan to him. He obediently sat beside the stove to fan the fire. Whatever was cooking in the pot it smelled really good, his mouth watered. While he fanned the fire, the old lady was dicing the potatoes. She caught him staring at him and asked, "Is there something wrong? You've been awfully quiet since you woke up."

Jin Guang Yao shook his head. "Have I always been noisy?"

"Definitely, you're always complaining when I order you around."

"This De Ming guy...What an ungrateful bastard! She's your mother you should appreciate her more! No wonder you got possessed! Serves you right!" Jin Guang Yao thought, shaking his head.

"I'm a new man now mother. I'll listen to you from here on out," he said, his free hand patting his chest, his eyes bright with a determined look. The old lady chuckled and reached out to slap his back. "That's a funny joke my son," she said. Jin Guang Yao whined, "Ouch...that hurts! And no, I'm not joking!"

He couldn't help but smile. Despite this old lady being so hot-headed, she was also a sweet person.

As Jin Guang Yao arranged the dishes on top of the wooden table, he heard footsteps outside.

His mother immediately rushed to open the door. "Welcome, cultivator sir!" She greeted with a warm smile.

"Good evening . Why do you look happy, aunty. Could it be? Your son has woke up?" The man asked, his voice was deep but calm. It was very familiar to Jin Guang Yao. "It can't be..." He muttered to himself.

"Yes, he's inside. I can't thank you enough to help us without any payment, all I can do is to invite you for dinner," the old lady said, closing the door behind him.

The man walked into the room, he was tall, clad in all white, long black hair and porcelain white skin and his right hand held a sword. Jin Guang Yao couldn't believe it. The man standing in front of him was Lan Xi Chen.

"Er ge..." He unconsciously called him.

The man in front of him froze. "W-what did you just say?"

"Ah-n-nothing. Please sit, sir," Jin Guang Yao said. He had to compose himself, he was Chen De Ming, not Jin Guang Yao.

The Gusu Lan Sect Leader is in love with a Farmer? [XiYao ff] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now