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"Shush." Alessandro shushed Darren. "She is sleeping." Alessandro caressed her hair.

"Any news?" Alessandro whispered.

"The signature matched sixty percent. All I can say is we need to collect more proof." Darren sighed.

"Get everyone from the pharmacy, ask them if they witnessed something unusual. There must be something. Have you collected the CCTV footage?" Alessandro fired.

"I am working on that," Darren answered.

"Make it quick," Alessandro ordered and Darren nodded curtly.

"How is she doing?" Darren asked in concern.

"Scared but-"


"She said something before she slept." Alessandro chuckled.

"What did she say and are you blushing?" Darren gave a confused look but soon changed into a smirk.

"Shut up." For the first time, Darren did not fear Alessandro's threat.

"Oh, my boy! Spill it already." Darren whined.

"She said she loves me." Alessandro blushed. his ears, nose, and cheeks were all red.

"Dude, have you seen your face. You are red in love." Darren laughed loud making Bianca stir.

"You will wake her up, Darren," Alessandro growled.

"Guess  I am already awake," Bianca muttered and yawned.

"Bianca my girl, what have you said to Alessandro that he cannot stop blushing." Darren teased both of them.

"I said what I realized," Bianca said confidently and Darren whistled.

"Is that L word, girl?" Darren eyed them especially Alessandro and she nodded.

"I love him, I love you, Alessandro." Bianca held Alessandro's face on her hand. "I love you, Mr. Alessandro Romano," Bianca confessed looking directly on his eyes.

"I love you too, my angel. I love you so much that I can't express it nor explain it." Alessandro murmured non-stop.

To stop his rambling, Bianca moved forward and pecked his lips. "I got your point." Bianca giggled making Alessandro freeze. 

After a few seconds, he blinked his eyes, once, twice then continuously. His face got redder than ever. "Did you-" Just then Bianca gave another kiss to him but this time Alessandro quickly reacted and deepened the kiss.

"Gross." Darren repulsed and left the couple behind.

"Say that you love me one more time," Alessandro whispered resting his forehead on hers.

"I love you." She replied smiling to him.

"You have no idea how happy I am right now." Alessandro chuckled.

"Me too." Bianca giggled.

Right at the moment, they felt the room was filling with white smoke that made both Alessandro and Bianca cough. Soon the smoke was filled like fog and they were suffocating.

"What-What is happening?" Bianca coughed.

"Hold me tightly, angel. Don't let go of my hand." Alessandro told her to which she nodded.

Alessandro carried Bianca in his arms and moved toward the door but to their luck, it was locked.

"The door is locked." Alessandro hissed.

"Al-I-I can't breath." Bianca choked.

"We will get out of here, angel, just breath."  Alessandro tried to calm her but it was going on a vein.

"Open the God damn door." Alessandro banged the door harshly but nobody was there to hear him.

Lastly, he kept Bianca on the floor and pushed the door with all his force. Banging the door for almost ten minutes, finally, the door broke. He swiftly carried Bianca in his arms and ran like a maniac.

"Help!" Alessandro screamed. "Somebody help." He screamed again but immediately fell on his knees and coughed. Soon his eyes were closing but all he could think was Bianca's safety. He was holding her hand tightly, nervous to let her go. He had confessed his love to her just a few minutes ago. He could not lose her now. He could not lose her ever. She was his air, his life, and his soul.

"My angel," Alessandro uttered his final word before closing his eyes, completely.

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