Chapter 7: Lady Angel

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~ Athanasia POV ~

"An angel?" He said then took another glance. Why is he so good looking for a child? "Not an angel"

Out of everyone, why Ijekiel? Then I realized my situation and snapped. 

WAHHHH! What did I do to myself?!

"Ijekiel!" I heard someone call for him behind my back.

I quickly got up and ran behind the tree to hide. His father came up to him and asked why he was in the garden alone. I sweat nervously as he hesitates to answer his father. Will he rat me out?

"I was looking for Jennette" I sighed out of relief.

I can't believe I teleported into the white dog's lair. Hold up, did he notice my eyes and hair?? I looked at my wrist and saw my disguised bracelet wasn't on me. Shoot! I used my magic to make the bracelet appear on my hand and likewise, my hair and eyes changed into a different color.

I hope he's colorblind! Although that sounds very messed up, it's for my sake!

"Are you still there?" A soft child voice asked me. "I'm sorry I'm lacking and couldn't catch you properly." Why is he so cute?? "Are you hurt at all?"

Gah! I need to come up with something!! "N-No, I'm not! I don't get hurt at all!"

"... Are you sure my lady?" I heard him take a step closer.

"Yes! So stay there and keep your distance!" I commanded him and he obeyed.

"... I'll stay over here since you seem to prefer that I don't come too close" He said and sat on the other side of the tree. "So how did you get here, lady... Erm.."

"Angel! Just call me Angel!" Even though I don't look like one.

"Ok..." He said.

After that, we talked about me and I lied my way out of all. Although he's 10, he seems to be very skeptical of my answers. But one of his questions was so cute that I felt like teasing him but I couldn't. I advised him to go to Jennette so that I could leave but he refused to.

"Sigh. Go find her... My time is almost up here" I lied, I really just wanted to leave.

"W-Wait! When will I see you again?" He asked.

"Erm. Around the same time! In the same place!" I told him. "This is goodbye!"


I teleported out of the place quickly.

"Phew!" I hope he won't come back again! However, that is very mean of me to do that to him...

I checked the clock and thought about Jennette.

Since I have time, I might as well take a look at Jennette.


I teleported back to the evil lair and made myself invisible. Luckily, daddy taught me how to do that! I walked around and noticed two small figures in the greenhouse. It meant they were there.


I transported myself to the greenhouse and heard some voices. I managed to distance myself or else it would've been chaotic. I peeked through the crack of the plants and saw Jennette.

And holyyy!! She is so adorable for a child!! She really is the 

Wait, something was off about her. The appealing image of her slowly begins to deteriorate as I stare at her longer. Then it hit me, it's due to her dark magic. It all makes sense now. Her dark magic causes the people around her to like her but thanks to mine, I'm able to resist. 

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