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When I wake the next morning, tangled in hotel sheets and Beau's limbs, I keep my eyes closed, images from last night flashing in my mind.

The cool, leather backseat of the SUV. Hands, Beau's hands, on my skin, his mouth leaving tender kisses up and down my neck. My own fingers knotting in his long hair, pulling at the thin fabric of his shirt. His smell, his taste, whiskey and smoke and Beau, overpowering all of my senses so that the only thing that existed in that moment was how it felt to be with him.

The elevator taking too long to reach our floor. My heartbeat pounding in my ears as Beau breathes down my neck, sending chills down my spine. The heaviness in the air until we made it to our suite.

And then, the suite... Beau lifting me off the ground and carrying me to the bed... I feel the smile on my lips, Beau's body warm beside me under the covers. Last night had been better than I could have imagined and I finally can understand why all the girls go crazy over him. The adrenaline from the concert, from watching him do what he's passionate about, from his own post-concert rush, was like electricity between us, stronger than it's ever been.

I roll over and open my eyes, taking in his sleeping face. The first day Beau burst into the cafe, all attitude and rude comments, I was sure I wouldn't ever see what those girls saw in him. Now... I see more.

"Morning," Beau mumbles, eyes still closed.

"Morning," I brush a strand of hair from his face and his eyes flutter open.

He smiles deviously, and even with his eyeliner smudged and his hair sticking in a million directions, he is so handsome. "You've been holding out on me, Emma." I feel my cheeks flush. "If I'd known all the fun we could've been having..." he eyes me playfully.

"You what?" I taunt him. "You wouldn't have added your rule to the contract?"

Beau blinks once before quickly composing himself, "What does the contract have to do with this?"

"You're the one who added the 'no feelings' rule," I remind him.

His green eyes examine my face intently before he cracks another smirk. "Oh, don't tell me you're one of those girls who makes a big deal about hooking up?"

I feel my face get hot as realization sets in and the daydream I've been in comes crashing down. What did I think was going to happen? I wrap my body in a sheet and stand quickly, needing to get away from this conversation. So stupid, I scold myself, so so stupid.

"Emma? Where are you going?" Beau sits up propped on his elbows, watching me scurry around the suite.

"Doesn't matter," I snap, grabbing my outfit and taking it into the bathroom, slamming the door closed.

"Are you mad?" Beau's voice comes through the door as if he's followed me out of bed.

I ignore him, wiping my face clean with some makeup remover and pulling my hair into a sleek pony tail. I slip into my outfit mechanically, a thin tank top and jeans to highlight my long frame, Bobby had said.

"Are you mad at me?" Beau repeats as I throw the door open and push past his naked body.

I almost laugh as I grab my purse and phone, shaking my head. "Nope, Beau. I'm not mad." I stop by the door to look him in the eyes. "Everything's exactly like it was before - nothing's changed."

I notice a look in his eyes but I don't let myself dwell on it as I take the elevator to the lobby to wait for my car. Dammit Emma, how could you let this happen?


"No, no, no, that's not right." Zara shakes her head at me, exasperation written all over her face. The same concern crosses Oliver's dark features and I feel my confidence deflating.

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