19: Yao Ling And Elder Fu

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Bazuul had little more than a week's time before departing for the hidden dragon trials, which then led to the royal tournament in the kingdom of Donar. Every time a different kingdom would be chosen, and this time around, the nation known as the land of thunder was selected to test the younger generations.

Our young prince always loved thunder, because with it came lightning, along with rain. Falling snow, rain, thunder, strong winds, or dense fog were his favorite natural occurrences. He always felt like his instincts were completely awakened in these conditions. Even more so after entering this world and fighting Chief Thousand Flowers. After he was hit by lightning in that fight, he had the feeling that it was a part of him. Every time he used [Flash Steps] it was embedded by lightning now. Apart from that, he wasn't quite sure how to use it right now, but once he entered the akashic library again, he was sure to find some way to work with it.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of old man Fu, and spontaneously planned on visiting him today. He went to the Yao's first, intending to take Yao Ling with him since he decided to take the martial path.

"Bram, prepare a chariot, I'll be going to the eastern city today!" Bazuul ordered.

"Immediately, your highness!" Bram answered.

Leaving his chamber, he walked across the hall and knocked on their door before entering. Before he could close the door behind him he was jumped and hugged by a little person, Yao Ling as he called out, "Big brother!" with a childish smile on her face.

Bazuul patted his head and asked, "How has your training been so far?" At this Yao Ling looked to the ground and didn't dare answer. Bazuul scanned the room after seeing this and looked at his mother in askance.

"Yu Yan greets his Highness. Ling'er has had a hard time adapting to the training regiment."

Bazuul understood now and chuckled slightly. "That's natural, he is training with full-fledged warriors after all. I believe after a while he will easily adjust." Bazuul said as he once again patted Yao Ling's head, and continued saying.

"Actually, I came here to take him with me to a friend of mine if Miss Yao doesn't mind."

"Prince Bazuul is our benefactor, of course, I wouldn't dare object!" She answered right away. Bazuul then nodded and took Yao Ling with him. As they walked out of the castle Bram already waited in front of the chariot. "After you, master!" He said.

Bazuul and Yao Ling entered and Bram joined them afterward. Bazuul explained to Yao Ling where they were going and who they were visiting. Yao Ling seemed excited to return to the eastern city after a while but soon turned coy as he heard they were going to visit old man Fu in the White Crane Pavilion. He had heard a lot of rumors about this place and the old man, seeing that many feared the old man Fu, he naturally also felt some dread toward him.

Bazuul, of course, understood what he was thinking and tried to comfort him, "No need to worry Yao Ling, Elder Fu is a nice guy, funny even!"

Yao Ling simply nodded but seemed rather unconvinced leaving Bazuul laughing.

The chariot halted in front of the White Crane Pavilion and they entered. Yao Ling was baffled at the difference inside in contrast to the rest of the eastern city. He had lived in the eastern city all his life but never witnessed a scene as peaceful as this. It was almost like he had entered a different world. It was a place with lush fauna and streams of glistening freshwater accompanied by a breeze of fresh air.

Old man Fu just exited the mansion with a teacup in hand as he noticed his visitors. He smiled, put down the teacup and cupped his hands with a slight bow saying. "What honor is it that brings me this young prince here?"

Bazuul also cupped his hands before answering, "This prince thought of you this morning and wondered how you were doing. Thus, I decided to come and visit Elder Fu. I sure hope I didn't disturb this esteemed elder."

Elder Fu laughed and waved his hand, "How could that be? An old man like me has no responsibilities and only time."

Elder Fu, Bazuul, Yao Ling and Bram sat down, drank a cup of tea and conversed about trivial things. After a while, Bazuul asked if Elder Fu had some tips on how to train Yao Ling since he himself was not intelligible enough about the martial path to guide someone.

Elder Fu looked at Yao Ling and scanned him from head to toe. After a moment he frowned as he rubbed on his white goatee. "Come closer little one." He then said. Seeing that Yao Ling hesitated, Bazuul told him that it was alright, as such he walked closer to Elder Fu. He put his hand on his forehead for a moment and then put it back, grabbing the teacup and taking a sip.

"Mmh, interesting, interesting." He mumbled. "This little one has a Spirit Tempest Constitution, meaning he has a high affinity for air-element skills and techniques. A constitution like this is rather rare. I myself have not seen more than five individuals with the Spirit Tempest Constitution in my life. He must have been blessed by Gao on his birth."

Gao was the deity of wind on Tiamat, he represented the free will of the eternal fire. He was also responsible for the creation of the Tengu race which mostly resided in the realm of Aroi.

Bazuul, Yao Ling and Bram remained silent and waited for Elder Fu to further elaborate. Yet, the old man simply stood up and went into the mansion. Ling looked at Bazuul with what seemed to be question marks all over his face. Bazuul couldn't help but lightly laugh. This little boy appeared completely scared. On the other hand, he was brave enough to block one of Chief Thousand Flowers attacks. "Be patient, Ling." He just said and the lot of them waited for another while.

About fifteen minutes later the old man returned with a small book in his hand. He sat down again and started explaining. Apparently, this was a cultivation technique he had that matched Yao Ling's constitution the most. The cover of the book read [Sky Saint Tactics], Elder Fu handed the book over to Yao Ling and instructed him on a couple of basics before sending him into one of the rooms of the mansion to cultivate.

Then he looked toward Bazuul, smiled and said, "I suppose you are taking part in the hidden dragon trials and the royal tournament, young prince?"

"That is correct, are there any instructions this elder can impart me with?" Bazuul answered respectfully.

Elder Fu then laughed while shaking his head. "This old one has never cared for the matters of this realm. The exile imposed on me will end in two weeks, and I will thereafter return to my homeland. As a parting gift, I intend to give this mansion to this young prince in front of me. Of course, most of the books and other things inside will then also belong to you then. What does this young prince think of it?"

Bazuul was a bit shocked on the inside but remained calm on the surface. With a pensive look, he thought for a while before asking, "How is there anything free in this world, if I may ask, what is the catch?"

Elder Fu once again laughed but then said with a serious expression, "There is no catch, just remember that I've been good to you once you rise like the morning sun!"

"Very well then, I like this place anyway!" Bazuul answered decisively.

"Ok, I suggest you go prepare yourself before you leave for the land of thunder. Also, you may need this!" Elder Fu said as he summoned a piece of paper with a golden hue before sending it slowly flying toward Bazuul. As he caught the page he looked at it and the old man with a shocked expression.

"Thank you, I will surely not forget this Elder's care for this prince!" He proclaimed seriously as he bowed.

The page read [Chapter 5: Myriad Suns]

Bazuul quickly vanished inside the mansion in order to dwell on the page and cultivate one more session before he had to depart for the kingdom of Donar.

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