Chapter nine

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When you are offered the chance to gain back what you have lost, you feel like you're on top of the world. It is so real. He is here with me. Real tears are falling onto my face. The sun is finally gleaming again through the windows of our empty apartment.

He is home.

I gaze into his confused blue eyes, not releasing my death grip of a hug. I worry if I let go then he will be gone again.

It really is him. He is standing in front of me right now, staring at me with almost the same intensity. Seekers have the ability to reconnect those who have lost. Wherever he is in afterlife, he is now standing in front of me.

"I-I'm so sorry." I sob into his chest. He even smells the same. "I should have stayed with you."

He hugs me back even tighter. "It's okay, Heidi, I'm better now." He breathes into my hair.

I move back from my embrace, interlacing our fingers still. His touch is cold, even as the sunlight attempts to warm him.

There is no spark between us. I feel no pull towards him.

"I don't understand." I stammer, grabbing his hand with both of mine now, as if I could breathe the life back into him. Maybe his touch would spark up like a fire.

He reaches his other hand out, cupping the side of my face so our eyes meet.

"I'm better now, Heidi." He reassures me. Even though his touch is like ice, his eyes still dance with soft warmth.

I shake my head, tears threatening to fall once more.

"Why can't I feel our bond?"

His eyes bounce between mine.

"Because it is no longer there, dear." He runs his hands through his messy hair.

His face is almost emotionless. Why is it emotionless? Does he not feel the same pain I did for an entire month?

"W-why?" a tear crawls down my puffy cheeks. They must be stained red by now.

"Heidi, I died." He grabs both of my hands in his own, looking to me solemnly. "They have a different plan for you."

My brows furrow together in confusion.

What does that even mean?

"Who is they?" I release his hands, stepping back.

"I have to go now." He looks behind him at the open door.

"No!" I beg. He can't leave me again.

"Our bond is gone. We are no longer one soul." He explains cooly. His blonde strands fall into his face.

How can this make sense?

When somebody's mate dies, the other usually goes mad with emotional drainage. Losing half of their soul can truly drive anybody mad. I've heard of a lot of wolves actually looking for Seekers just to communicate with their mates.

"Who is they?" I repeat my question. Fear pricks at my heart like a needle. Who would want to toy with me?

"I cannot answer that. I am not allowed to." he looks down to the hardwood floor.

"Why were your hands ice, Aiden." I almost sob again. My heart has been played with for the past month. This was supposed to be a happy encounter.

He shakes his head again.

Then his head whips back around to the open door behind him. It looks just like the empty hallway leading from our apartment in the Pioneer pack.

What is he looking for?

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