chapter 1 Intro to my life

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Mandy's POV

"Oh my god did you see that?" Marialle exclaimed as if she was seeing something incredible.

" See what?" I asked in my not very interested tone. I didn't bother looking in the direction of her eyes.

"Come on! that guy who just arrived. He is so fucking handsome. He is like a king... God or whatever... "she said with dreamy eyes while looking dreamily at a total stranger whom she finds godlike or king, what did she just say?

Goodness, this woman nearly screamed when she saw that handsome guy. I mean, I am immune to her crazy side since we were best friends from our diaper days. But, what I don't understand about her is her obsession with handsome boys.

"You know Marialle it's not like you're not seeing a handsome guy every day. Did you forget that you have your very own handsome boyfriend? Don't tell me you forgot?" I asked with a confused  tone. She has a boyfriend but she's out here ogling other guys. I am not gonna be like her.

"OMG! He is now sitting behind you!" She whispered with enthusiasm in her voice. Like I could care less.

"Whatever I need to use a restroom. Behave yourself, and don't embarrass me!" I said while I grabbed my bag from the table and excused myself to the restroom.

"Ouch! You are so mean! Hahahaha" she said while giving me a fake cry as if it affected her at all. I shook my head as I went to the restroom.

I hurriedly along and headed my way there without looking or glancing at anyone. I'm just the type of person that minds her own business and  likes to keep things to herself.

I am not a very social person. The only friend I have is Marialle. She keeps on pestering me about my social life but I'm least bothered by it. I don't go to parties, bars, or any social gathering. I'm happy as I am just lurking inside my room reading books about medicine.

Well, you can't blame me for reading medicine books. I am a doctor precisely, a surgeon. That's why I don't have time to mingle, socialize, or flirt with random men.

In all honesty, I'm a virgin. I've never been kissed or even touched. Hahaha I'm 26 years old and I have never been attracted to someone. I don't know why but I haven't seen any particular guy that seems to catch my attention. Maybe because I am too tired to notice or I don't find men amusing at all. Don't get me wrong I am not into girls, OK? I can assure you I'm straight.

Well whatever, for now, I've decided no boys.. Having a boyfriend will only lessen the time I have for myself which is a big no-no to me.

As I got inside the lavatory, I looked around and noticed that it's empty. 'Lucky me!' I happily chanted to myself. I quickly did my business and washed my hands. Then, I sprinkled some water on my face to freshen myself up and wiped it off with my handkerchief.

When I was about to open the door to go back to Marrialle, I stumbled across two people who were busy making out. 'Ewwww!!! Get a room' I thought to myself in disgust.

Oh my god! Don't these people have any decency like couldn't they keep their sexual life somewhere more private and not in a public place like the women's restroom?

"Hey, get out!!!" She shouted at me. And I raised my brows. How can she yell at me? When I am the one who should be yelling at them?

I looked at the girl and noticed that she was wearing an outfit that was fit for the nightclub. A red dress that stuck to her skin, with a low cut on the cleavage area as if it would fall out in one false move. And too short for my liking too. She's beautiful but her face was caked up with too much makeup. Which I think makes her more ugly than attractive.

"Babe could you kindly close the door. We're having a good time here, feel free to join" WTF! Did I just hear him say that? This guy has no shame at all. I shake my head, telling myself not to fall to their level.

I turned around and closed the door. When I had almost closed the door, I saw him winking at me while he grabbed that woman. Ugh, fucking man whore. People like him are the reason I hate men.

I took my seat beside my best friend who was busy talking on her cellphone.

" Ok bye sweetheart. I love you... see you... muahahaha... " She said while giggling. I guess she was talking to her boyfriend.

" Are you done? Let's go?" I asked her.

"Yeah! Mark is waiting in my apartment. I guess we need to go" she said. And, we headed to our cars. "Bye bestie see you tomorrow"

"Yeah see you," I replied.

I headed to my apartment. Sleeping is the only thing on my mind right now. Working as a surgeon is stressful but I couldn't see myself doing anything else.

As I got into my apartment, I heard my telephone ringing. I picked it up.

"Hello," I said.

"Hey, where have you been? I have been calling your phone and telephone you know." I instantly recognized the voice, it's my mom.

"Hello to you too mom. Sorry I went to eat out with Marialle and my phone died "

"Your dad wants you to come home immediately. He wants to talk to you. " My mom said.

"What? I'm a busy mom, I can't." I've been living away from my parents ever since my mom got remarried.

"Please let Harry do his part as your dad, sweetheart. He wants to have a family dinner tomorrow. I think it's a good idea and you could bond with your brother and sister" my mom said with excitement.

"Mom, you know I can't. Just send my regards to them. I can't come" I said.

"You can't? Or you don't want to?" She asked.

"Don't start this again, please. I'm busy, end of discussion. Nothing more to it. And I love you, mom. I'm hanging up bye.." I quickly ended the call before she said anything else.

True, I love her but the moment she married again I felt betrayed. I mean being an only child with my mom and dad. And then after 2 years, my dad died. And I don't understand how my mom could marry again. The man she is married to has two children which means I have two step-siblings whom she wanted me to bond with but I don't.

My stepbrother Andrew is one of those typical playboys who go after every woman. Making him a man-whore too.

My step-sister Abigail is a model. She loves partying and loves to sleep with every man she finds handsome. Urg! My step-siblings are the total opposite of me. That's why I stay out of their way and don't get into their lives.

Well, my stepdad, Harry Valiente is a businessman. He has a chain of hotels in the country. When I first met him, I could tell that he loves my mom but I felt awkward in his presence. I hate it when he wants me to call him dad.

Hmmm moving on. I finished taking my bath and I got into my pajamas and got inside my bed. Ahhhh I thought to myself 'what a day.' Time to sleep.

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