Chapter 13

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Matilda was freaked. She hadn't been in the body for a while, and when the phone kept ringing with different numbers, she couldn't wait for Samuel to come back. She had the body sitting in a dark closet, sitting in a ball with a flashlight in both hands. "Be strong for Samuel... " she repeatedly whispered. "Be strong for Samuel... he helped you get out of that mess, be-"

Hi, Matilda!

"AAAHH!" The sudden voice spooked her so badly, she flung the flashlight up so it fell onto her side.

What'cha doooiin'? And why is it so dark outside? Oooh! Are we playing Hide-and-go-Seek?

"Suzie, you scared me! And no, I hate that game!"

Then why are you in such a dark place?

"Because that's what Samuel wanted me to do..."

Well, where is he, anyway? She said with a southern twang, perfect for Nebraska.

"He's in Oz right now... I should check on him!"

She put the body in a comfortable position and dissociated into the Studio. She ran to the director's seat, with Suzie sitting right next to it. Matilda grabbed her new phone and pressed the buttons until she was calling the Host.

"Oh, Matilda!" Said the device in a cheerful, albeit compressed voice. "Great that you called! Very great, actually! I managed to escape with a child!"

"You what?" Matilda was happy for him, but also terrified. "Where are you?"

"Oh, just in the cornfield. I had a feeling I'd be here anyway, but I think I'm gonna help this little girl back to the Studio. Will the chant work for anyone?"

"I... I don't know... I'm sorry!"

"Well, that's alright. I'll figure out how to get out of here, so hold tight, I'm coming back."

"Be careful! Who knows what's in that field, aside from the Scarecrow..."

"Oh yes," his voice became somber. "I was wondering about him... is he an enforcer, by any chance?"

Matilda trembled on her words. "Everyone is if you're under programming, but he's really important since..."

"Since what?"

"He's the King of the Emerald City, the most important and dangerous place on the planet!"

"Oh, Matilda! I'm sure he's all brains; straw isn't much unless it's a haybale! Anyways, I'll be back soon, okay? Just stay there and stay safe, and I'll be back in no time! I'm gonna go now, I... I love you." 

Samuel hung up, and Matilda felt weird. She loved him too, but 'love' didn't always mean the same thing. Looking up from the chartreuse screen, she didn't realize Suzie had disappeared off to somewhere. She called out for her, and she replied.

"How do you get outta here!" said the girl's voice. Matilda sighed, wishing someone would just take her soul already. She had looked up at the screen and saw Suzie was trying to open the closet.

"Suzie, stop! Samuel said to stay in here!"

"Buuut I'm hungry!" Wailed the little girl's voice.

"No!" She watched as the silhouette body's arms crossed. She decided to project herself into the tiny room, which took a lot of willpower to try and see Suzie as she was in the body. She essentially saw Samuel acting like an annoyed child, with a puffed-out face hunched over the arms, but her tiny split at the same time. It was like she saw both at the same time, similar to an imaginary friend, from the view of another. Seeing his face again comforted her a little bit, but Suzie ruined any hope of her feeling better.

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