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" What are we gonna do? I mean, you want to go visit your family right?" Yoongi asked as you were both seated at the dining table in the morning.

" I don't know." You shrugged.

" Are you serious?" Yoongi asked perplexed.

" Yes and no. I think I kinda do know on what to do, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea." You told him.

" Just throw it out." Yoongi leaned back in his seat.

" I could ask my parents if you and Jaehyuk can come with me-"

You were cut off by the doorbell.

" Who's visiting this early?" Yoongi grumbled.

" I'll go check." You shrugged.

" I'll go get another cup of coffee." Yoongi also stood up.

" Miss. Teacher?" You asked suprised as you spotted your teacher in the door opening.

" Hello, I'm sorry that I'm here this early but I heard what happened last night and came to check on you two. Is everything going okay?" She asked.

You nodded as you let her in.

" Yes, Jaehyuk's still asleep." You tell her.

" Alright, is Yoongi already awake too?" She asks and on cue, Yoongi appears.

" Yes miss. " He mutters.

" Ah, so I've heard what happened. And I just came to say that your mentors and I have decided something, but only if you two agree on it too." You teacher says as she sits down on one of the couches.

You nod, signalling her to go on.

" Both of your mentors and me are very proud of how you toughlessly accepted him back into your life, even tough you are supposed to have a week holiday now. So we decided that we could double your vacation, instead of one week, two weeks. It will mean that you will have a week less lessons, but I trust that your classmates will fill you in in that. The only thing is if you are okay with it?" She asked.

Before you could even think about it, Yoongi spit out an answer.

" Of course we are. We're still teenagers ma'am. We won't just let an extra free week pass." Yoongi said with crossed arms, tougha small smile was present on his face.

Your teacher chuckled.

" Alright, I'll leave you two to think trough your plans for the upcoming two we-"

" Hello. My name is Jaehyuk, who are you?" Jaehyuk had entered the room quietly and was looking at your teacher in curiousity while hiding behind Yoongi's legs.

" Hello, I'm miss.Teacher. I'm your adoptive parents teacher." Your teacher smiled at him.

Jaehyuk didn't respond, simply staring at her in curiousity as he didn't know what a teacher is.

Your teacher dismissef his behavior with a smile.

" Well, I've got to go. Have fun in your holiday." Your teacher said her goodbyes as she left.

" What's a teacher?" Jaehyuk asked once she left.

" Someone who learns you things. You'll have one too once you go to school." You smiled at him.

" C'mon bud, let's get you something to eat." Yoongi said as he ruffled the little boy's hair and walked into the kitchen.

A moment later you were all seated at the dining table with a sandwich.

" So, what was your plan for the holiday situation?" Yoongi asked as he munched on his sandwich.

" Right, so I tough I'd just ask my parents if you guys could stay over for a few days, but now that we have an extra week, we could go a week to mine and a week to yours?" You suggested.

Yoongi nodded.

" That sounds good to me. What do you think Hyuk? Want to meet mummy and dada's parents?" Yoongi asked, turning to the little boy who had more jams around his mouth than in his sandwich.

He nodded in excitement.

" Yes!" He cheered with a mouth full.

" No talking with your mouth full Hyuk." You pointed out, the boy simply smiled in response.

" So, when do we leave?" Yoongi asked with a grin.

[ A/N : The only reason this an is here is because I want 666 words lmao. (Sad I passed it and now have 680 instead.)]

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