5 | we won't

87 8 10

I can't trust you

Baby, 'cause I don't want to

This isn't fun anymore

Never hurt like this before


Tanya Mayfield was having the time of her life. And she was not below rubbing it on my face. I could see it in the way she was giving me side-eyes from across the classroom and the sly smile she had stuck to her face. She had definitely heard about my breakup with Wade. I ducked my head in hopes of ignoring her. Which worked for about five seconds before she made her way to my desk and perched sideways on the table.

Her glossy dark hair was so long they overflowed my desk. She looked at me with the corner of her eyes before staring out the window. 'So that makes the count to what? Six? Seven? Honestly, Cara, I'm having trouble keeping up with you now,' she said. It was only five and probably the last. I was so done with boys for the time being.

I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my chair, cursing Ms. Simmons for being late. 'Why don't you fuck off then? It would be much easier,' I said.

Tanya Mayfield had hated me ever since I remembered. I had no idea what I had done to deserve her hate. She also liked to play a little game where she hooked up with every guy I went out with.

She turned to face me and the left corner of her painted lips quirked up.

'And shouldn't it be a piece of cake for you to keep up considering you like to cozy it up with the guys I leave behind?' Now it was my turn to smirk but I wasn't feeling it.

She jumped off my desk and leaned in close to my face. 'I feel like this one's gonna hurt,' she said.

I felt queasy.

'Not now, Tanya,' I said with a firm tone.

She widened her eyes, a glint of mirth dancing in the icy blue irises and fake pouted. 'You always ruin the fun in everything, Carebear,' she said. It felt so wrong to hear her call me Carebear that I cringed inwardly.

I began to tell her off but at that exact moment Wade entered the classroom and I shut up. He didn't look at me or sat in his usual seat behind me. He strode straight to the back of the class and settled on the last seat. He looked positively heartbroken.

Tanya and I followed him with our eyes. 'There he is,' Tanya said straightening up.

'Don't. Stop it with your stupid games, Tanya,' I warned, glaring at her.

She merely gave me a smile and strutted up to where Wade was sitting. Wade looked up as she approached and for a second our eyes met and I cowardly looked away. My heart twisted painfully in my chest. What the fuck was her problem?

My fingers clenched around my binder as I heard her giggling voice coming from behind.

I tried to calm myself down. He's not your boyfriend anymore. She can do whatever she wants. Hell, they can do whatever they want. This shouldn't bother you.

But God, couldn't he like wait for a little while? A couple months maybe? Before he moved on with someone else, preferably not Tanya.

Ms. Simmons came in and somehow, I made it through the class.

When lunch rolled around, another thought took up residence in my mind. Wade and I had the same friend circle, in school anyway, and we sat at the same table in the cafeteria. How was I supposed to act all normal when he was sitting directly across from me? Or worse, beside me?

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