Chapter 38

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"Sire, do you want us to make camp?"

Artemis keeps her mouth shut while the guards speaking to the revolting man seated behind her upon the horse. She can only picture his smug triumphant grin believing he had won. His arms have been uncomfortable wrapped around her making her skin crawl under the material of the dress. The ropes tied around her wrist digging into her skin. Her body pleading to heal however Artemis refuses for them to see it. She keeps it in check taking breaths and controlling the power coursing through her. 

"Why not.. They won't be able to find us this deep in the forest." 

The men begin chuckling at their King's statement. Artemis physically bites her tongue to stop herself from retorting. Vispan's nasty breath gracing her neck as he whispers in her ear. 

"Guess you weren't as important to them as you thought." 

She says stone faced as he slides off the back of the horse. His hands going to her waist to pull her down. His face getting a bit to close for comfort. She leans back to place space between them. Vispan smirks seeing her body posture realizing what he is doing to her. He takes her hair twirling a piece around his fingers looking to it. 

"You know, if you wouldn't have murdered my family... I would have made you sire my heir. You are quite unique." 

Artemis yanks her head back glaring at the king feeling her blood boiling. 

"I would kill you before you ever came near me." 

She sneers out directly at him. At this he gives a chuckle that turns into a full blown laugh. His men joining end at her spit fire attitude. She is woman tied up and has no weapon. Her physical build is not of strength and has no bargaining chip... She is no threat. 

"Oh you are definitely a fiesty one... Such a shame." 

He sighs dramatically before tugging on her arm to come sit down beside him on the log. She sits down and discreetly looks around her surroundings recognizing that they are less than a mile from where King Maximus was killed. She looks upon all the men. Counting over 50 men, some of which continue looking at her form. She takes deep breaths waiting for her moment... 


She closes her eyes, her head bowing to her lap as the men continue chattering around her. The king doesn't bother as the men hand him wine. 


Are you safe?

Yes... Where are you?

We are an hour away from the meeting spot. 

She gets nudged looking up to find King Vispan looking to her with a raised brow. She doesn't care and looks to the skies. The moon lighting the evening sky making her body feel rejuvenated. 

"So how does it feel?"

She blinks turning her gaze to the grinning king. His men already looking upon the exchange. She waits for him to continue fisting her hands in her lap. 

"To know that after everything you did for them. They didn't even attempt to stop me. You are worthless to them... You will be killed tomorrow and they won't even blink." 

She takes a long deep breath controlling her rage. Instead smirks before releasing a giggle, the giggle turning into a full laugh. The men giving confused and shocked looks believing the woman has gone mad. This infuriates the king. His hand goes up grabbing her jaw tightly in his hold forcing her to look into his eyes. 

"WHAT... is so god damn funny." 

He grits out staring into the silver irises dancing with flames from the fire... or so he believes. She smirks even with the pressure of his hand on her chin. 

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