13 | Run

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After Lila ran away that day after accidentally letting out her little secret, everyone sat in the room with tension laced in the atmosphere.

Xavier was definitely angry, with his parents, brothers and with himself. Had he tried a bit harder that night, maybe he would've been able to convince his mom to stay. That would have saved Lila from whatever she had experienced in the past years.

"You don't believe that, do you?" He began, his voice filled with rage.

"What?" Xander asked confused.

"That she fell from the stairs. There's no way you can injure yourself after falling from the stairs to the point where you can't move your fucking hand," Xavier said.

"I know Dad asked Mom not attach herself to Lila but that didn't mean she was supposed to treat her like that, like she was some intruder in her happy family," Damien said.

He stood up and slammed his fist hard on the table while Xavier chuckled bitterly in response.

"Turns out your dad's flawless plan was actually defected. I always knew that this all was a bad idea. Only if someone had listened to me," Xavier taunted.

He had never been in a good relationship with his dad ever since that day. Although he knew everything that happened was for Lila's safety but he still couldn't get himself to forgive his father for some unknown reason.

While his brothers were busy talking among themselves, Victor sat there, quiet and deep in thoughts.

He was trying to think of something, something that will help him to connect the strings and reach the truth.

First she calls dad just a few days before the accident, then she runs off to the orphanage and now this. There was something she was definitely hiding and he had to know that.

"I'm leaving," He announced.

"Where?" Elijah asked, standing up abruptly. "You're not going to ask one of your men to search on this, are you?"

Elijah never wanted his brothers to intrude in Lila's privacy. He said that if there was something she was hiding, she should be the one to tell them, not one of their men.

He believed that if they wanted to earn Lila's trust again then they should trust her too and respect her secrets. That's why he made all of his brothers swear that they won't ask her anything related to the last ten years of her life.

She would herself tell them anything that had happened when she felt comfortable enough.

"No, I swore, remember? There are other things that needs to be settled," Saying that he left.

From what Lila told him, Bethany, their mother, never gave her the proper care she needed.

And he was going to fix that. He was going to solve every problem in his little sister's life and make up for the time he wasn't there to protect her from this cruel world like he always promised to.

After asking his secretary to arrange everything he needed to fix up the shit their mother had created, he finally went home. It was way past midnight and the house was deadly quiet, the only sound heard was his own footsteps.

As silently as possible, he started making his way towards Lila's bedroom but stopped before Damien's room when he heard snores coming from there.

Damien never snored.

Opening the door, he peeped inside.

A small smile made its way on his face when he saw all of his siblings sleeping on top of each other on the poor bed.

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