Chapter 4: Thomas

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A/N: 27.04.20

What month is your birthday? I feel like a lot of people are born in April, or is that just me? 😳


*Thomas's pov*

The cafeteria ladies gave us metal spatulas and two dirty buckets that looked like they haven't been washed since the school was built. They told us that the dirtiest tables were at the very back of the cafeteria and Eli ran to take the front tables, leaving me with the hard work.

Sneaky snob.

We haven't spoken a word since leaving the principal's office, but I could tell that he was anxious. He glanced towards me every few seconds, but I didn't bother talking to him.

I pulled out the chairs from under the tables and grunted as I turned the tables.

I scowled. The lower surface was infested with dried pieces of gum and immediately regretted all those times I stuck one under there myself.

Karma bites back hard.

I put on the latex gloves that we were given and started scraping. I noticed through the corner of my eye that instead of helping, Eli was sitting on a table, one leg crossed over the other, watching me do all the work.

I decided not to say anything. I didn't expect rich boy over there to get on his knees and scrape, anyway. Besides, trying to persuade him seemed more troublesome and a waste of breath.

I heard him clear his voice as if he was going to give out a speech.

"You saw, didn't you?" It sounded more like an accusation than a question.

"I see a lot of things," I mumbled, scraping off a piece of gum and tossing it into the bucket beside me.

"Thomas," he huffed. I was surprisingly delighted to hear him call me by my name. His voice was harsh, but there was something melodic about it.

"What happened to 'filthy rat'?" I mocked.

"You're still filthy rat," he said. "But your name is also Thomas."

"Thank you, I almost forgot my own name."

He scowled. I smiled.

He cleared his voice again.

"There's a water fountain down the hall," I said. "You might want to drink something, your throat seems dry as fu-"

"We're not together," he blurted. I looked but Eli averted his gaze, squirming slightly.

"Cool story bro."

I went back to scraping.

"We really aren't," he pressed.


"Thomas," he said louder, almost in a plea. My chest tightened at his voice and for some reason, instead of ignoring him as I would have liked, I glanced towards him.

"What do you want?" I growled in annoyance.

"You won't tell anyone, right?"

His voice softened a little, showing a side of vulnerability. Was this the method he used when asking his parents to buy him shiny new things? Batting his lashes and pretending to be kind until he got what he wanted?

"I thought you two weren't dating."

There was a pause. "Not officially," he admitted. "It's complicated, alright? Just... Just don't tell."

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