Writer Reveal One

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Hello hello dear readers!

If you're here, you're clearly reading Seeing Shane Gray. This is one of the three writers' reveals for the story. In these, you can get insight into behind-the-scenes action as I wrote this story. Each of these reveals with talk about different aspects of the story.

This first one will talk about the characters and what inspired me to write them as they are, specifically Taylor and Shane.

The second reveal will explain my inspiration behind the story and, in particular, Taylor and Carter's dynamics as siblings and the aftermath of the tragedy that befell the family.

And the third and final reveal will explain, in depth, my connection with the story, my association with depression and suicide, and how I was able to write Carter without being Carter.

So, to clarify, I will begin by talking about Taylor and Shane. Taylor has a lot in common with myself. Not only is she an Asian like me, she has several of my character traits. She has a dark and morbid sense of humor, an underlying bitterness that seeps into her everyday interactions, and an instinctive sense of 'everyone deserves a second chance'. 

Shane, however, is the kind of guys I like. I'm a sucker for kind people, people who smile and make others feel comfortable around them, people who spread smiles all around and make things easier for others even when they're struggling. Shane and I have similarities too. We're used to hiding our problems behind the facades of perfection. Shane has a beauty about him, though, one that makes his flaws disappear into the background. He's sweet and warm like hot chocolate, which is why I included chocolates in the first interaction he had with Taylor.

Their dynamics too. Shane and Taylor have a natural relationship. As a demisexual, I prefer emotional connections before the physical, and Taylor and Shane's relationship is how I want mine to be. Natural. Effortless. It feels as easy as breathing to fall in love, and for Taylor and Shane, it is. Despite the absolute lack of physical intimacy, their relationship is strong. They stay beside each other yet don't consume each other. They have their own lives yet they're intertwined. They are their own persons and yet they rely on each other in times of need. They have their own friends, their own hobbies, their own dreams. 

And that, to me, is a healthy relationship.

Seeing Shane Gray ✓Where stories live. Discover now