Chapter 34

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The principal's office made an announcement later that day asking me to come there where the principal, Mrs. McMillan declared a one week suspension for me. She said that she was going easy on me as I hadn't been in trouble before to which I simply nodded. Brandon went nuts when I told him the whole thing but it was nothing compared to my mom's screaming over the phone.

"What in the world were you thinking Kara?! Fighting? In school??"

"Mom she deserved it! She kept on snapping at me for something I didn't do and even insulted Brandon!!"

"But you go to school for a reason and that is not fighting."

"Okay so you want me to stop standing up for myself and my loved ones when needed?"

"Well I didn't say that..."

"Whatever mom. I punched her and I don't regret it. Brandon will help me catch up with school for this week."

"Okay but dad is not gonna be happy."

"I know I know..."

"I gotta go now. Business call. Stay safe. I love you."

"I love you too mom."

I hung up and put the phone in my bag before facing the road ahead of me as me and Brandon walked home. I released a heavy sigh of I don't know what.

"Don't do that from now on." Brandon said suddenly, kicking a pebble on the road.

"Do what? Sigh?" I replied him with a question.

"No idiot." He chuckled lightly, making me do the same. "I meant fighting. Don't go around punching people just because they insult me."

"Well you're my best friend so I would. Anytime."

"I thought I'm your boyfriend since yesterday." He stopped in his tracks and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows while I turned back to face him.

"Whatever it's the same thing." Rolling my eyes I was turning back until Brandon held my wrist to spin me around and face him again.

"No it's not. Best friends don't do this." He swiftly pecked my cheek before I could even blink. "Or this." The other cheek.

"Brandon, we're in publ-"

"And absolutely not this." He cut me off with a grin before leaning down swiftly just as before to place his mouth on mine.

Gosh it's just the second time but I'm already in love with this!

His lips felt so soft against my own and I didn't want to let go of them anytime soon. The tingly feeling in my stomach was getting stronger by the minute and it was so addictive. I couldn't believe I was missing out on such a great thing for all this time. Brandon's fingers intertwined with mine as he pulled back a little to stare into my eyes with a hint of a curve at the corner of his lips.

"I like the way your hand fits in mine. But I love how your lips fit in mine even more."

Before I could say a word he went on kissing me again and I was too ecstatic to complain. But I managed to gather my courage and pull away for the sake of my reputation in the neighborhood.

My neighbors aren't the type to keep their noses to themselves. Better be cautious than starting a nasty rumor saying I'm a prostitute or something.

"Don't kiss me in public." I remarked and started walking home, turning my back to the guy who kissed me just a few seconds ago.

"You like it though." Brandon caught up with me, a smirk playing on his lips.

"No comment. Just get the point!" I threw my hands in the air in frustration while my boyfriend just laughed.

"So you're saying we can kiss when no one's around?"

"Stop with the kissing topic, will you?!" I whisper shouted and stomped away from him quickly but he caught up with me again.

Damn his long legs!

"I'm just asking when I can kiss my girlfriend. I'm a man after all. I have my needs."

"Pfftt man?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"You wanna test me bae?" He cocked an eyebrow and licked his lips seductively.

"Eww don't call me that!" I pretended to barf at the nickname while Brandon rolled his eyes and buried his hands in his pockets.

"Want me to call you babygirl then?" He asked ever so casually like it was a normal thing he does everyday.

I choked. "No thanks. Kara is just fine."

"Nah that's too boring and doesn't suit you." He shrugged. "Idiot matches you just right."

"Why am I friends with you?" I asked while rolling my eyes again.

"You're not. You're in love with me."

"Urgh why does everything have to come to this?!" I shouted at him before speeding up to my front porch.

"Simple. Because I love you."


My hand stopped its task of twisting the doorknob at his words. I just stood there like a breathing sculpture, taking my sweet time to think of what to say. I felt arms wrap around my figure from behind and the side of his face on my shoulder.

"I don't expect you to say it back right now so don't be pressured. Just treat me like usual." His words came softly out of his mouth. "Go inside now and finish your homework. I'll give you the notes starting from tomorrow." He let go of me and I simply nodded before letting myself in.

"Call me if there's anything alright?" He smiled sweetly and I nodded again, before watching him walk home.

I closed the door and went to the kitchen to get a bag of chips for me to munch on in my room. I hopped onto the bed after taking a shower and finishing the homework I got for the day. Looking back on the events happened, it seemed like one of the most crazy days I've ever had in my life.

Fight in the morning and fluff in the evening...

This sure is a bipolar day...


Reminds me of Zayn...

Changing his mood from angel to devil in just a second...

I haven't heard him from a while...

I took the phone that was placed on my nightstand to text Zayn. The last time he talked to me was the day I got home from the hospital.


Heyyyy!! -

You didn't msg me for a while so I thought I'd msg you first -

Are you okay? You're not sick or anything right? I didn't see you at lunch either -

- Hi Kara

- I need to tell you something

My friends may or may not judge me for this but whatever😂

What do you think Zayn wants to tell? Any guesses?

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