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"Oi, what are you playing~?"

My little sister jumped at the sound of my voice while covering her cellphone in her hands.

"YOU CAN'T SIMPLY BARGE INTO MY ROOM LIKE THAT!" She repeatedly throws a bunch of plushies at me while I dodged them all easily.

"The door was open, I knocked too but you didn't answer!"

She stopped throwing her plushies at me before making a 'hmph' noise, facing away from my direction.

"Your older brother finally comes back from a month long business trip and this is how you greet him?!" I dramatically gripped at my shirt where my heart is, showing a pitiful look.

"..Whatever" She heartlessly tapped on her phone screen, ignoring my presence.

I drop my pitiful act since it had no effect on her and sighed before grabbing a chair and sitting facing her. "What are you playing?" I asked once more since I was intrigued by the hot 2D male character on her screen.

"Another BL game?"


"Ehhh~ The yaoi obsessed fujoshi isn't playing a BL game? Never would I thought this day would come" I teased her before getting hit on the head.

"OUCH! What was that for?!" I rubbed my head in pain.

Before she could say anything, she accidentally clicked on the game's home button where the screen suddenly became black and a title slowly appeared.

"Make Me Doki-Doki: Capture Their Heart~!" The female voice from the game read out loud.



"pFFT- WHAT KINDA LAME ASS NAME DOES THIS GAME HAVE?! AHAHAHAHA!" I couldn't stop laughing loudly. I pointed at her cellphone and clutched my stomach in pain from laughing too much before falling off the chair and rolling on the ground.

The temperature in the room dropped immensely which made me sweat drop at the approaching figure that's standing infront of my face. I gulped before letting my eyes slowly gaze up into the eyes that has the same eye colour as my own.





"..Eh, [M/N]? Why do you have a black eye?" My mother asks me, face laced with worry as I slowly slide out my chair and sat on it. My father giving me a look of concern as well.

My little sister just slowly chews her food without paying me any attention.

Hope you guys like this very first chapter of "Reincarnated as the male lead but.. [BL]"!

Votes and comments are very appreciated, thank you for picking up this story~ ( ̄▽ ̄)

Ah! By the way [M/N] are you okay?

[M/N]: ... _('ཀ'」 ∠) I-I'll manage, Glow-sama

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