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"WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME?!" I screamed by the rooftop with my group of "friends". Even Cohen is here.

"Didn't you pay attention during the assembly?" Ezra flips through his notes, while eating curry bread.


"What were you doing?"

I didn't want to answer because I was busy admiring all the males in the hall. Not my fault, the game made everyone in this world incredibly attractive!

"I saw him drool" Kane crushed the wrapper in his hand as he finished his fifth melon bread.


"..Brother, you have to study" Cohen copies Ezra's actions except he wasn't eating anything. He had temporary glasses on.

"IT'S OKAY, CREDENCE-SAMA! I HAVEN'T STUDIED EITHER!" Elizabeth munches on a hotdog with both hands.

"It's not something to be proud about" Kane throws the wrapper to her head.

I sighed as I watch both of them bicker while the other two study like their life depended on it.

A few weeks has passed. Elizabeth tried talking to her parents but all she got in return was an earful of nagging. I guess I have to settle this on my own.

HOWEVER, WITHOUT NOTICING, TIME PASSED BY WHILE I WAS BUSY CONTEMPLATING ON TALKING TO CREDENCE'S PARENTS. IT WAS ALREADY THE END OF THE YEAR! Now, all of us have to prepare for the last examination which will determine our classes.

I sighed again remembering that all of the male leads except Cohen (he's a grade below us) were all in the same class. That's when the fifth male lead and female lead will appear!

I originally wanted to transfer right after Credence's birthday but.. Is it bad that I'll miss them..? I scanned through my lively surroundings again.

Being reincarnated in this otome game, I thought I would just be chasing guys but now being friends with not only the villainess but the male leads made me really happy. I don't want this to end so soon.

It's fine to stay a little longer.. right?


"You have to move this number to the back then you'll get the answer" Ezra scoots over closer.

"L-Like this..?" I never was the smart one in school, being reincarnated into Credence's body. The CREDENCE KNIGHT. He was always ranked first, how the hell am I supposed to keep that up?!


"Why?!" At this point, everyone in the school's library were staring at me and Ezra. Since rumours started to spread after they saw me hanging out with Ezra, students started suspecting me as a bully!

"You keep repeating the same mistakes, Credence"

"I'm sorry, I didn't check-"

"Give me your hand"

"N-No~" heheokaysure

He grabs my hand and opens it before smacking a wooden ruler on my palm.


The impact on my palm stings in a pleasurable way. What is even more pleasurable is seeing Ezra's smile getting wider as he sees blood rushing to the surface of my skin where he had hit.

"This is the seventh question of the same formula you've gotten wrong, are you perhaps doing this on purpose?" Ezra presses down onto the red flesh, watching the red dissolve to white.

I bit my lips. Oh god, I feel something coming!

"I need you to focus, Credence" He finally lets go of my hand, going back to writing in his book.

HOW CAN I FOCUS WHEN YOU'RE LIKE THIS. THIS IS TORTURE. Ezra had his bangs pinned to the side as to avoid it getting into his eyes.

He felt my intent stare so he lifted his head,
"Didn't you score number one on all the previous tests? Are you really doing this on purpose?"

You have to focus on studying, [M/N]-san!

[M/N]: Of course I will! I have to get into the same class as Ezra afterall! Heuheueheueh~ (≧∇≦)

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